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Student Workplace Orientation Program Nova Scotia Safety Council May 9, 2003.

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1 Student Workplace Orientation Program Nova Scotia Safety Council May 9, 2003

2 Nova Scotia Safety Council Our mission is to make safety and health a way of life.

3 Nova Scotia Safety Council Overview Public safety issues Occupational Health and Safety Driver improvement

4 Nova Scotia Safety Council Strategic Direction Deliver world class workplace training, and consulting Treat the root of the problem, not just the symptom Provide traditional classroom training, plus innovative venues like online learning

5 Youth Safety Issues 16% of Nova Scotia workplace WCB claims involve youth aged 15-24. Each year, 5000 youths in Nova Scotia have reportable WCB injuries. We believe that training initiatives could prevent these injuries.

6 Youth Safety Goals Receive appropriate safety training Recognize a safe work environment Understand that they do not have to work in an unsafe workplace Understand how their own actions contribute to the maintenance of a safe workplace

7 Youth Safety Challenges Duration of employment & turnover Funding Staff person(s) qualified to train Fighting the “cool factor”

8 Youth Safety Portal

9 Youth Safety Portal Created for youth A collection of relevant, reviewed and free resources on safety topics Provides quality safety training online and classroom Convenient access to safety transcripts Meets our goal of promoting active, ongoing learning about safety

10 Student Workplace Orientation Program

11 What is SWOP? On line pre-training – it provides the basic foundation to safety and health education. Topics cover awareness of OH&S Law, Ergonomics, PPE, Chemicals, Hazards and Electrical Safety Creates safety-conscious students BEFORE safety training specific to their job. Resulting Value - MORE time for specific job-site safety training with more AWARE students

12 What SWOP is not. SWOP is not a replacement for job-site safety training.

13 How SWOP works Students receive an access card

14 How SWOP works Students log on to training on the Youth Safety Portal Work at their own pace Tests and results online 100% competency

15 Why Web? Youth Friendly Encourages on-going safety learning Inexpensive platform No printed forms, course testers, manual test correction or manual result communication Easy to deploy, track, manage and communicate test results Simple to deploy in single or multiple locations Easy to update courseware for relevance

16 The Practical Outcome Employee understands the significance of workplace safety. Employee has overview of general safety matters. More time for specific job-site safety training. Provides the young worker the necessary information required to pass the national standardized test Passport to Safety

17 Passport to Safety Standardized testing Minimize injuries to youth in the workplace Indicates a foundational level of safety awareness

18 Ways to Get Involved Employee Training Sponsorship Purchase for Employees’ Children Purchase Individually

19 Conclusion Encourages and supports work safety Easy for employers to support work safety Easy for youth to access reliable, practical safety information

20 Discussion How to receive your cards. –Contact the Nova Scotia Safety Council 1-866- 511-2211 or 454-9621 –Log onto

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