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Studying the emergence of human communication systems in the laboratory Bruno Galantucci ( ( ( Haskins Laboratories ) ) )

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Presentation on theme: "Studying the emergence of human communication systems in the laboratory Bruno Galantucci ( ( ( Haskins Laboratories ) ) )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying the emergence of human communication systems in the laboratory Bruno Galantucci ( ( ( Haskins Laboratories ) ) )

2 FIELD STUDIES Studies of Pidgins and Creoles, Nicaraguan sign language, Home-sign-languages Language games with artificial agents COMPUTER SIMULATIONS BUT… WE DON’T HAVE EXPERIMENTAL CONTROL… BUT… HUMANS ARE MUCH MORE COMPLEX THAN ARTIFICIAL AGENTS… Combining the two options: field simulations Put two (or more) humans into a virtual environment that requires them to coordinate their individual actions and… neutralize the use of pre-established communication systems (e.g., speech, writing, body language…) Field simulations: a new option for studying the emergence of human communication systems

3 Player B’s view Player A’s view The basic game The virtual environment The need for coordination find each other with no more than one room change each The communication medium

4 Sign systems for playing Game 1 Quadrants Corners Longitude Icons: # of vertices Icons: shape 2 1 4 3 1 23 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 6 1 Longitude & Latitude d a b c dcba t0t0 t0t0 Motion

5 Player A Sign system Mapping M 2 (e.g., icon vertices to # of dashes) Game environment Player B For both players Sign system Mapping M 1 (e.g., quadrants to # of lines) Game environment How are sign systems established? learning-by-using The build-up of SHARED COGNITION learning-by-observing CONVERGENT UNDERSTANDING SHARED COGNITION Player A’s signing behavior

6 Communication does not depend only on signs Game map PA’s view PB’s view

7 Media (air, light) User Task Communication system Field simulations allow us to manipulate all that we want… Studying communication systems in the laboratory How field simulations can help When studying a complex system, we can never know in advance what is going to relate to what Environment

8 Game 1 communication system 1 communication system 2 communication system 3 Environment 2 Manipulating the environment: Environment 3Environment 4 Environment 5 communication system 3 communication system 4 communication system 5 Once emerged… how do communication systems evolve?

9 Excellent performance OK performance FAILED! Excellent performance Communication does not depend only on signs II P8 P9 If in the central column, agents do not move sideways ? x Optimized talking Excessive talking

10 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 1514 13 Sign systems develop parsimoniously P1 P3

11 Sign systems develop creatively 8 10 P2 P7 P15


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