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People lives communities Coproduction and older people Sharing ideas and experience about services led by older people 27 November 2013 Helen Bowers, Head.

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Presentation on theme: "People lives communities Coproduction and older people Sharing ideas and experience about services led by older people 27 November 2013 Helen Bowers, Head."— Presentation transcript:

1 people lives communities Coproduction and older people Sharing ideas and experience about services led by older people 27 November 2013 Helen Bowers, Head of Policy, Research & Evaluation,

2 people lives communities Coproduction and older people What is coproduction and why does it matter? Coproduction in Action – a framework for making it happen with older people Examples Questions and issues for discussion

3 people lives communities What is coproduction? Its about different stakeholders working together on a shared issue, topic, problem or development Its about individuals, communities and organisations having the skills, knowledge and ability to work together, create opportunities and solve problems Can happen at different levels: individual (e.g. self directed support) and community / collective (e.g. Time banks)

4 people lives communities Why does this matter? A much misunderstood term! Concerns about lack of progress / power imbalance between older people and others who speak on their behalf Its about ACTION over talking (though the talking is important) The benefits are potentially vast and impact on a wide range of people More bang for your buck! Alot of coproduction initiatives fizzle out over time

5 people lives communities Coproduction at two main levels Coproduction with older people about their lives and support they need Work with older people to help them identify their goals, priorities & needs - and how to achieve them Support older people and those closest to them to personalise the support that they access from different places/sources; and to plan for and use a personal budget Coproducing services, solutions and developments with older people in local communities Work with people where they live to understand what is working well in their area; ask what works well and not so well Share power in local planning processes so that communities can help determine what issues should be tackled, and how

6 people lives communities

7 Examples........ Hampshire Older People’s Commissioning Strategy Dorset Age Partnership Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust Lots more being shared today......

8 people lives communities Questions & issues for discussion Many policies and reform programmes have coproduction at their heart. This doesn’t always mean that change will follow! What else needs to happen to ensure that coproduction with older people happens and works for everyone involved? These reforms also focus on outcomes that reflect the whole of people’s lives, not just services. What examples do you have of older people setting outcomes that drive services forward, and evaluating them?

9 people lives communities Questions & issues for discussion Where power shifts occur, different kinds of partnerships and relationships emerge. Where is this happening with older people? What can we learn from places and people who have achieved this? Financial constraints can be a driver for as well as barrier to coproduction What examples do you have of coproduction happening as a result of financial concerns? What was different and better as a result?

10 people lives communities Contact us Twitter: @ndtihelen Find us on Facebook www.facebook/com/ www.facebook/com/

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