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The Gospel In The Public Square. The Shape & Substance of the Gospel.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel In The Public Square. The Shape & Substance of the Gospel."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel In The Public Square

2 The Shape & Substance of the Gospel

3 The Gospel is a proclamation of things which have happened. “The Gospel is an account of things which have happened. It is not a proposition in metaphysics or a program for ethics and politics, though it has implications in both these spheres. It is narrated history, and (like all narrated history) it is told with a belief about its meaning. This belief is that the story tells what God has done for the redemption of all creation and its reconciliation to the source of all being.” Leslie Newbigin, The Gospel as Public Truth “The Gospel is an account of things which have happened. It is not a proposition in metaphysics or a program for ethics and politics, though it has implications in both these spheres. It is narrated history, and (like all narrated history) it is told with a belief about its meaning. This belief is that the story tells what God has done for the redemption of all creation and its reconciliation to the source of all being.” Leslie Newbigin, The Gospel as Public Truth Luke 1:1-4 I Corinthians 15

4 The Shape & Substance of the Gospel The Gospel message is I am a son/daughter of God, because of Christ alone, and this new identity I have leads me into a new way of living! The gospel is: "I am accepted through Christ, therefore I obey." ‘Religion’ is: "I obey, therefore I am accepted". So the gospel differs from both religion and irreligion. You can seek to be your own ‘lord and savior’ by breaking the law of God. But you can also do so by keeping the law in order to earn your salvation… Tim Keller, Gospel Christianity The gospel is: "I am accepted through Christ, therefore I obey." ‘Religion’ is: "I obey, therefore I am accepted". So the gospel differs from both religion and irreligion. You can seek to be your own ‘lord and savior’ by breaking the law of God. But you can also do so by keeping the law in order to earn your salvation… Tim Keller, Gospel Christianity Romans 5 Galatians 4:1-9

5 The Shape & Substance of the Gospel Jesus is at the center of the Gospel, he is the Good News that was originally given to Israel to spread, but is now embodied in his life, death, resurrection, and ascension. “…the God of Israel, whose declared mission was to make himself known to the nations through Israel, now wills to be known to the nations through the Messiah, the one who embodies Israel in his own person and fulfills the mission of Israel to the nations…Jesus is not merely the agent through whom the knowledge of God is communicated (as any messenger might be). He is himself the very content of the communication. Where Jesus is preached, the very glory of God shines through.” Christopher Wright, The Mission of God “…the God of Israel, whose declared mission was to make himself known to the nations through Israel, now wills to be known to the nations through the Messiah, the one who embodies Israel in his own person and fulfills the mission of Israel to the nations…Jesus is not merely the agent through whom the knowledge of God is communicated (as any messenger might be). He is himself the very content of the communication. Where Jesus is preached, the very glory of God shines through.” Christopher Wright, The Mission of God Matthew 1:1-17 Luke 3:23-38

6 The Truth About The Public Square

7 Religious Neutrality In The Public Square Is A Myth. Religious Disengagement Isn’t the Answer.

8 The Truth About The Public Square The Public Square Is Privately Owned. Col. 1:15-20 The Public Square is a Fallen Square. Rom 3; 8:19-22 The Public Square is a Grace Saturated and Grace Sustained Square. Heb. 1:2-3; Rom. 2:14-15 The Public Square will Ultimately be a Redeemed Square. 1 Cor. 15

9 The Engagement of the Two

10 The Gospel is strictly speaking not ecclesiastical news, its world news. “The first evangelism in the New Testament is the announcement by Jesus that the Kingdom of God is at hand. This, if one may put it so, is not ecclesiastical news but world news. It is not about ‘values’ but about ‘facts.’ It is, strictly speaking, news, and it requires an immediate response in action.” Leslie Newbigin, Evangelism in the Context of Secularization “The first evangelism in the New Testament is the announcement by Jesus that the Kingdom of God is at hand. This, if one may put it so, is not ecclesiastical news but world news. It is not about ‘values’ but about ‘facts.’ It is, strictly speaking, news, and it requires an immediate response in action.” Leslie Newbigin, Evangelism in the Context of Secularization

11 The Engagement of the Two “We must not forget that Christ is even now ruling in a sense over history (Eph.1:22ff). The "already" of grace means that Christians can expect to use God's power to change social conditions and communities. But the "not yet" of sin means there will be "wars and rumors of wars". Selfishness, cruelty, terrorism, oppression will continue. Christians harbor no illusions about politics nor expect utopian conditions. The "not yet" means that Christians will not trust any political or social agenda to bring about righteousness here on earth. So the gospel keeps us from the over- pessimism of fundamentalism (moralism) about social change, and also from the over-optimism of liberalism (pragmatism).” Tim Keller, The Centrality of the Gospel “We must not forget that Christ is even now ruling in a sense over history (Eph.1:22ff). The "already" of grace means that Christians can expect to use God's power to change social conditions and communities. But the "not yet" of sin means there will be "wars and rumors of wars". Selfishness, cruelty, terrorism, oppression will continue. Christians harbor no illusions about politics nor expect utopian conditions. The "not yet" means that Christians will not trust any political or social agenda to bring about righteousness here on earth. So the gospel keeps us from the over- pessimism of fundamentalism (moralism) about social change, and also from the over-optimism of liberalism (pragmatism).” Tim Keller, The Centrality of the Gospel The already/not yet of the Gospel sets the tone for what we should consider is a plausible transformation of the public square.

12 The Engagement of the Two The center piece of our message in the Public Square must not be what we are for or against morally, politically, or socially; but rather Who we are for and why He makes all the difference in the world. That He is the point of the world itself. “We have become famous for what we oppose, rather than who we are for.” David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons, UnChristian “We have become famous for what we oppose, rather than who we are for.” David Kinnaman & Gabe Lyons, UnChristian

13 The Gospel In The Public Square

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