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Anna McCreadie Corporate Director Adult and Community Services, Suffolk County Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Anna McCreadie Corporate Director Adult and Community Services, Suffolk County Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anna McCreadie Corporate Director Adult and Community Services, Suffolk County Council

2 What is Support to Live at Home? It’s about: Choice for people about their care and support Meeting outcomes for people – finding out what would make a difference in their lives and enabling it to happen. Implementing Supporting Lives, Connecting Communities (SLCC) within provider market Working closely with the NHS – at a commissioning as well as operational level A market that works for all of Suffolk It’s about the whole picture – this means taking an integrated approach Valuing the roles of providers and partners in making this happen

3 What customers have told us Outcomes matter Flexibility matters Choice matters We asked: In addition to personal care, what support will be important to help the person you care for to remain in their own home?

4 Supporting Lives, Connecting Communities SLCC is now working county wide It is outcome focused – social work teams think creatively in their work with people We are networking and engaging in localities and parishes Empowering localities – making best use of what’s in our communities Integrated neighbourhood teams - cluster teams loosely aligned with GP groupings. Closer working with partners and community groups

5 Working together, smarter, wider We are moving to an integrated health and care system (HASCI) Joint commissioning with CCGs on Support to Live at Home to deliver continuing healthcare There is a strong national drive for this We are building on some good pilot work already, eg: Great Yarmouth and Waveney Integrated Care System West Suffolk neighbourhood team and pathway development Partnership work in north Suffolk around hospital discharge and mental health. Next steps: work with Norfolk for cross-over commissioning in Great Yarmouth and Waveney

6 Outcomes we want to achieve What it feels like: That local communities in Suffolk are places where it is easier to live independently. That people live long healthy lives and maintain and increase their independence. A flexible market that meets people’s care and support needs Excellent outcomes are the things that make our lives full What it looks like: walking the dog, going to the shops, social interaction, gardening, leisure, company, laughter, sharing, culture and beliefs, sport, arts, food The mix of these is unique and special to each of us Each community in Suffolk has a mix of strengths and assets to. We want to work with you as providers and with people to make it happen.

7 Where we are now? We have listened … and are thinking about issues you raised … especially around specialist providers We need to consider the impact of the Care Act There is an impact for everyone - existing customers, providers and ACS We want to create and see a vibrant market Aim to start the tender process in November with a view to implementation in Sept 2015 Let’s keep talking … asking people what they want and how they want it … engaging the market in this conversation

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