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Science of Classifying & Naming Organisms

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1 Science of Classifying & Naming Organisms
Taxonomy Science of Classifying & Naming Organisms

2 Taxonomist scientist who practices the art of classifying organisms

3 Classification The grouping of objects or information based on similarities

4 Systems of Classification
An historic view

5 1. Aristotle Greek Philosopher
Developed the first method of classification Two Kingdom System I.e.: Plants and animals Did not show the natural relationships among organisms

6 Aristotle 5.Plants Trees Shrubs Herbs

7 Aristotle 6. Animals Air Land Water

8 Middle Ages 1.Scientists started using Latin for naming organisms
2. Why? Language of scholars, universal, dead

9 Middle Ages Examples: Canis = Felis = Equis =

10 Classmate Polynomials
Develop a polynomial to describe yourself. You can use physical characteristics/traits, behavioral characteristics (things you do), interests. Your polynomial must contain 6+ words. Much to the dismay of Middle Age Scientists, I’ll let you write in English!

11 3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature
“Modern” system – every species has a two word Latin name Developed by Carolus Linneaus (Carl von Linne) ie. Genus + descriptive word

12 3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature
Scientific name = genus + descriptive word

13 3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature
Example #1 Homo sapiens Homo = sapiens =

14 3. Carolus Linnaeus Binomial Nomenclature
Example #2 and #3 Quercus alba and Quercus rubra Quercus = alba = rubra =

15 Be Mindful! Other species may have the same descriptive term. ex.
Betta rubra (red betta fish) Myrmica rubra (Common red ant)

16 Rules for Writing a Scientific Name
Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens 1. Name is underlined or italicized 2. First word (genus) is capitalized, second word (descriptive) is lower-case 3. Abbreviation = H. sapiens or H. sapiens

17 Notable Names Abra cadabra (clam)
Agra vation (caribid beetle…nothing it!) Dissup irae (hard to see fossil fly) Cyclocephala nodanotherwon (scarab beetle discovered by a scientist named Ratcliffe) Curiosities of Biological Nomenclature by Mark Isaak, on Edline

18 Biological Hierarchy of Classification for the Honey Bee
Domain = Kingdom = Phylum = Class = Order = Family = Genus = Species =

19 Biological Hierarchy of Classification for a Human Being
Domain = Kingdom = Phylum = Class = Order = Family = Genus = Species =

20 Mneumonic for Human Classification by Emily Theobald
Every Adorable Cat Makes People Have Heart “Hattacks”!



23 Three Domain System of Classification
Three domains- Archea, Bacteria and Eukarya Archea-archeabacteria Bacteria-Eubacteria Eukarya-”Eukaryotic” organisms-kingdoms Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia Form of classification based on an evolutionary model comparing RNA found in cells & cell membrane structure

24 Three Domain Classification Scheme

25 Biological Hierarchy of Classification
Domain= Kingdom = Phylum = agroup of closely related classes (called divisions in plants) Class = Order = Family = Genus = a group of closely related species Species = a group of organisms that can reproduce successfully with each other



28 How Relationships are Determined
Four things: Similarities in structure DNA Behavior Evolutionary relationships

29 What is the complete classification of the following
organisms: A. Fox B. Frog C. Squirrel D. Lion


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