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Using GIS to Manage Agricultural Fields and Soil Erosion Nick Stadnyk - Applied Data Consultants, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Using GIS to Manage Agricultural Fields and Soil Erosion Nick Stadnyk - Applied Data Consultants, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using GIS to Manage Agricultural Fields and Soil Erosion Nick Stadnyk - Applied Data Consultants, Inc.

2 Model Definition Simplified description of complex process or relationship Provides an understanding of natural systems Provides a predictive tool for management

3 Model Classes Spatial Empirical or lumped-parameter Process-based or distributed models

4 Model Integration Non-integrated Loosely integrated or “model linked” Closely integrated or “modeled within” Fully integrated

5 Spatial Analysis Combine appropriate spatially distributed data to generate new information Most GIS software have necessary procedures (intersect, union, reselect) Easy to apply, but generally least accurate

6 Empirical Models Rely on one or more equations to describe an event or system Used for comparative analysis Do not consider spatial distribution of parameters

7 Distributed Models Rely on mathematical descriptions of the physical and chemical interactions Data are distributed Require large data sets and significant calibration

8 Available Soil Erosion Models USLE / RUSLE WEPP AGNPS SWAT TOPMODEL EPIC Others

9 Universal Soil Loss Equation Developed by USDA-NRCS Parameters –Rainfall –Soil Erodibility –Slope Factor –Crop Factor –Management Factor

10 GIS/USLE Model Integration Spatial data maintained as individual layers Overlay capabilities Calculations done within GIS Tools for layer management

11 GIS/USLE Model Integration USLE integrated with ArcView Spatially manage crop data Rapidly assess soil loss and agricultural management options

12 GIS/USLE Model Integration

13 Soil Erosion Management Application

14 Coverage Creation

15 Coverage Attributing and Management

16 Farm Planning

17 Tabular and Map Output

18 General Field Map

19 Fields with A/T Ratio > 1

20 Using GIS to Manage Agricultural Fields and Soil Erosion Nick Stadnyk - Applied Data Consultants, Inc.

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