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Native American Protest

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1 Native American Protest
Tom Bold, Phil Foerster, Cara Jeffrey, Nicole Schollmeyer, Kristen Tynan

2 Background Government took a new approach to the Indian problem
Eliminated reservations as legitimate political entities People wanted to seize their land Government terminated tribes such as the Klamaths the Menominees and the Coushattas Caused increase in Indian activism

3 Native American Goals Right to participate in decision-making processes regarding tribes Protect tribal lands Prevent sale to outsiders Prevent outside invasion (i.e.: highways, dams, etc) Uphold treaty rights (i.e.: water and fishing rights) Promote Indian culture Provide education and legal skills AIM: help Indians neglected in cities

4 Tribal Land Maps

5 Strategies Seneca Nation’s Allegany reservation in New York State
Continued using legal process in other areas Recognized that they could use legal process in other areas and brought a wave of lawsuits charging violations of treaty rights Vigorously protested water rights Federal court ruling in 1973, water rights of Paiute on Nevada-California border, government must protect Indian property Reassertion of fishing rights Court cases ruling 19th century treaties allowing Indians fishing rights “in common with” whites meant they could take up fifty percent of allowable limits AIM – American Indian Movement Seize of Alcatraz – Indian Center Wounded Knee, South Dakota – Dramatize poor conditions and draw attention to broken treaties

6 Wounded Knee Memorial

7 Achievements or Failures
Considering the past conditions of the Native Americans, their movement in this time period was successful. During this time: Their cause caused Kennedy and Johnson to pay more attention and attempted to improve their economics and living conditions by getting private companies to locate on Native American land and having the land leased. Both the Area Redevelopment administration and Office of Economic Opportunity allowed Native Americans to create programs and budgets themselves. In 1975, the Indian Self-determination and Education Assistance Acts were passed.

8 After Cause Was Won The Native American Scholarship Program, started at the New Mexico Law School, has graduated 35 to 40 Indians per year since 1971. With the cause of the group being a success, the laws laid out a framework to guide federal policy for decades.

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