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Individual Target Groups Through the site the trainees have direct access to Information and Communication Technologies training.

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2 Individual Target Groups Through the site the trainees have direct access to Information and Communication Technologies training

3 Organizational Target Groups The online training platform can also be installed in intranets, adapting itself to the internal system of any enterprise, public institution, university, etc. This option can also be personalised with previous diagnosis of training needs and special contents and courses of each organisation

4 Advantages No physical barriers; World-wide access to training; No need of displacements; Training available 24 hours per day; No demands of any supplementary pedagogical material; Larger number of simultaneous trainees;

5 Advantages More selected information; More autonomy in work organisation; Development of creativity and initiative; More interest and motivation; Practice at the workplace with real situations; Own choice of training rhythm.

6 How does it work? Each trainee receives an user name and password; Trainees have permanent access to the private training zones in which they are registered; For each course there is a group of certified trainers, who assure the pedagogical follow- up; Courses are organized in modules, each one with its introduction, multimedia content, exercises and link to clarify doubts;

7 Training Follow-Up: Doubts can be asked directly using email; Doubts can also be disposed in the courses’ forum; A chat channel is available for follow-up; In real time, there are explanation sessions using “vdi” communication (voice, data and images); During explanations, trainees can also share their computer with trainers allowing them distance access in order to complement the training with practical demonstrations

8 There is also available: A generic forum where all the trainees and trainers can exchange opinions and share experiences; An archives zone where trainees and trainers can make available and consult documents and other useful information.

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