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FIBRE!. What are types of fibre  What makes something a ‘fibre’?? TYPES:  Soluble Fibre  Insoluble Fibre.

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Presentation on theme: "FIBRE!. What are types of fibre  What makes something a ‘fibre’?? TYPES:  Soluble Fibre  Insoluble Fibre."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are types of fibre  What makes something a ‘fibre’?? TYPES:  Soluble Fibre  Insoluble Fibre

3 Why Take Soluble Fibre??  Demo- inulin and chia  What does it do?  Examples of soluble fibre  What health conditions may benefit from soluble fibre?

4 Health Conditions Digestive Condition  IBS  Constipation/Diarrhea Cardiovascular  Cholesterol  Diabetes Immune System- more to come


6 Why take insoluble fibre  Demo- bran  What does it do?  Examples of insoluble fibre  What health conditions may benefit from insoluble fibre?

7 What health conditions can benefit from insoluble fibre  Constipation  Prevention of colon cancer  Weight loss  Diverticular disease (pouches in intestines)

8 Role of Fibre in Digestive System- GUT MICROBIOME  Speed of Transit  Food for probiotics  Immune System

9 What is … well … normal? Number Per day? Per week? Colour? Size? Smell??

10 Speed of Transit  Why do we care?  The longer food is in the digestive tract, the longer it can be acted on by bacteria  We don’t want it too fast; or too slow  Problems with too fast?  Problems with too slow?


12 Feeding your bacterial crew PRE-BIOTICS  The idea of different bacteria living in the digestive tract  What is the purpose of these?? They are living, so what are they eating?

13 Probiotics and Immune System  What are probiotics?  How can bacteria affect the immune system?  Conditions that are currently being researched:  Fibromyalgia  Rheumatoid arthritis  Diabetes  And others!

14 So what would you do?  Immune related conditions like eczema  Constipated (uncomplicated)  High cholesterol  Any side effects to tell a patient?

15 Practical  Baking with fibre? Chia Pudding? Both?

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