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“NEW Age” timeline for those who do not believe in Christ. B.C.E – Before the common era C.E. – common era FIRST and Foremost…Timeline info B.C. = Before.

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Presentation on theme: "“NEW Age” timeline for those who do not believe in Christ. B.C.E – Before the common era C.E. – common era FIRST and Foremost…Timeline info B.C. = Before."— Presentation transcript:

1 “NEW Age” timeline for those who do not believe in Christ. B.C.E – Before the common era C.E. – common era FIRST and Foremost…Timeline info B.C. = Before the birth of Christ A.D. – Anno Domini “in the year of our Lord”

2 Studying the Islamic Faith

3 Where Christianity and Islam Split

4 Islam – What is it? Second largest religion in the world with over a billion followers Islam means = SUBMISSION to the will of God and OBEDIENCE to His law.

5 Ramadan – 9 th month of Islamic calendar. Highest of all Muslim seasons. FAST for the month. Food, drink, smoking are forbidden during daylight hours. Hajj- Pilgrimage to Mecca. Statement of belief “there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.” Prayer -5x/day (daybreak, noon, midafternoon, after sunset, and early evening). Alms – give 2.5% of his profit (widows, sick, 5 Pillars of the Islamic Faith


7 570 AD Muhammad is born in Mecca. Dad dies before his birth, mom when he was 6. Lived with Uncle and was involved in caravan trade. 610 AD Muhammad is visited by angel Gabriel while on retreat in a cave near Mecca. Angel reveals the first revelations of the Quran and tells him he is God‘s prophet. When was Islam “founded”

8 Quran = The reciting or the reading. B/c Muhammad could not read or write the Quran is his reciting of revelations given to him Muhammad marries into rich caravan family…she was 40, he 25. 610 AD Muhammad is visited by angel Gabriel while on retreat in a cave near Mecca. Angel Gabriel reveals the first revelations of the Quran and tells him he is God‘s prophet. Islam History

9 610-620 A.D. Muhammad endures persecution in Mecca, plans to kill. Mecca had many idols…Muhammad preached against it and for a monotheistic God Muhammad never claimed to be divine but insisted Allah called him to be a prophet. Muhammad

10 Mohammad flees Mecca to city north- Medina Mohammad becomes religious & political leader there. Organized he goes back to Mecca. Muhammad Cont

11 He wages war, wins, unites all tribes. Calls for a caliphate. He destroys every idol in the Kaaba EXCEPT the black stone. He declares the Kaaba the most holy shrine in Islam. All Muslims direct their prayers in this direction. Muhammad cont

12 Mohammed – there are 28 prophets in Quran (Adam, Moses, David, Jonah, Jesus) The last and greatest prophet is Muhammad. End of days – Each person will either go to heave or hell. Predestination – No one can change what God has decreed. God – only one true God called Allah (all seeing, all knowing all powerful) Angels – Chief angel is Gabriel. Fallen angel is Shaitan (Satan) Scripture – 4 inspired books (Torah, Psalms of David, Gospel of Jesus, and Quran….Christian and Jews have corrupted the Scriptures and the Quran is the final word of Allah to people. 6 Doctrines of Islam

13 Map Activity

14 If not Muslim you can pay a tax called jizya Islam in the “East” Islam in the East is UNCOMPROMISING. Islam: Religion and Government are 1. “Shariah” (Sha – ree-uh) Islamic law. ALL MUST SUBMIT. Everyone in Islamic societies including NON- MUSLIMS must conform to Islamic laws, politics, economics, customs or sufffer heavy consequences.

15 What happens if you do not submit to Islamic Law? What if you break the law?

16 Stealing bread in Iran under Shariah law

17 For reading the Bible

18 Enjoy all benefits of freedom, democracy. Protected legal status as a religious group. They can build Mosques, print literature, start schools, preach from street corners. How is Islam in the “west” different?

19 How the Quran/Islam is different than the Christianity/ Bible For Muslims God is one, period, called Allah. Jesus is a prophet below Muhammad in importance. Humans are born without sin. Allah does not love those who do wrong, each person must earn their own salvation.

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