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Mathematics Subject Leader Parents to classes 1-4 as follows:  Group 1 to Class 1 Progression in Division (15 minutes)  Group 2 to Class 2 Progression.

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2 Mathematics Subject Leader Parents to classes 1-4 as follows:  Group 1 to Class 1 Progression in Division (15 minutes)  Group 2 to Class 2 Progression in Multiplication (15 minutes)  Group 3 to Class 3 Progression in Subtraction (15 minutes)  Group 4 to Class 4 Progression in Addition (15 minutes) Please move to the next Classroom at the end of each session

3 We all use maths all day everyday! We look at the clock to tell the time before we get out of bed. We estimate how far it is to the floor! We know how many degrees to turn the tap so that we get enough water without getting soaked! We measure the cornflakes in our bowl so they don't spill over! Well you get the picture!



6 I did it like this (£3 x 10)-10p = £29.90 How did you do it?

7 29 x 10 = £29 + 9p x 10 = 90p £29 + 90p =£29.90

8 2.99 x 10 ____



11 4 Calculation areas Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division A S M D

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