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[Unix Programming] Interprocess Communication - PIPE Young-Ju, Han

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1 [Unix Programming] Interprocess Communication - PIPE Young-Ju, Han Email:

2 2007 UNIX Programming Contents  Pipes  Using pipe a single process  Using pipe a multiple processes  Using pipe in the shell

3 2007 UNIX Programming Overview  different forms of IPC pipes(half duplex) FIFOs(named pipes) stream pipes(full duplex) named stream pipes message queues semaphores shared memory sockets streams on the same host on different host

4 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  only form of IPC on all UNIX implementations  The oldest form of UNIX IPC  most commonly used form of IPC  limitations half-duplex  one-way communication channel used only between processes that have a common ancestor (related processes) stream pipes FIFOs & named stream pipes

5 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Pipes connects the standard output of one program to the standard input of another program I/O Redirections and Pipelines Stdout stderr myprog1 file2 stdin file1 myprog2 stdout stdin stderr $ (myprog1 | myprog2 ) file2

6 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Pipes at command level (Example) I/O Redirection and Pipelines Method 1. I/O Redirection Method $ ls /home/kc > tempfile $ wc -l < tempfile 19 $ rm tempfile 2. Pipeline Method $ ls /home/kc | wc -l 19

7 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes (Example) cd /bin 1. I/O Redirection Method (Failure) $ ls > tempfile tempfile: permission denied 2. Pipeline Method ( Success) $ ls | wc -l 777  pipes at command level Weak Point of I/O Redirection Method 1. Cannot create temporary files if you don’t have permission 2. May have a invalid result because of temporary file 3. Easy to forget to remove temporary file

8 2007 UNIX Programming pipes  % who | sort

9 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes   Create pipes pipe() system call   Data transmitting data is written into pipes using the write() system call data is read from a pipe using the read() system call automatic blocking when full or empty automatic blocking when full or empty FIFO basis, so lseek() don’t work   Types of pipes (unnamed) pipes named pipes

10 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Programming with pipes create a pipe #include int pipe (int fd[2]); 0 : ok -1 : error more open than per-user process limit(EMFILE) kernel’s open file table overflow(ENFILE) fd[0] : read only open fd[1] : write only open

11 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  ex) pipe on a single process #include #define MSGSIZE 1024 char *msg1= “hello, world #1”; char *msg2= “hello, world #2”; char *msg3= “hello, world #3”; int main(){ char inbuf[MSGSIZE]; int fd[2], j, ret; if (pipe(fd) == -1) {perror(“pipe call”); exit(1);} write(fd[1], msg1, strlen(msg1)); write(fd[1], msg2, strlen(msg2)); write(fd[1], msg3, strlen(msg3)); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { ret = read(fd[0], inbuf, MSGSIZE); inbuf[ret]=0; printf(“%s\n”, inbuf); } $a.out hello, world #1 hello, world #2 hello, world #3

12 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  ex) pipe on a single process fd[0]fd[1] process fd[0]fd[1] process kernel pipe read in the order in which they were written first in/first out(FIFO) communication channel => Since lseek don’t work on a pipe or

13 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  kernel’s pipe buffer size constant PIPE_BUF rule overfill pipeblocked  if a write overfill pipe, then blocked until reading emptyblocked  if a read when empty, then blocked until writing  if a write > pipe, then block after write  if a read > pipe, then return after read pipe_size = fpathconf( p[0], _PC_PIPE_BUF );

14 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  rules (when one end of a pipe is closed) If we read from a pipe whose write end has been closed,  after all the data has been read, read return 0 to indicate an end of file  End of file is not generated until there are no more writers for the pipe If we write to a pipe whose read end has been closed, SIGPIPE  the signal SIGPIPE is generated Default action : terminate

15 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  ex) pipe from child to parent int main(){ char inbuf[MSGSIZE]; int fd[2], j; pid_t pid; if (pipe(fd) == -1) {perror(“pipe call”); exit(1);} switch(pid = fork()) { case -1 : perror(“fork error”); exit(1); case 0 : write(fd[1], msg1, strlen(msg1)); write(fd[1], msg2, strlen(msg1)); write(fd[1], msg3, strlen(msg1)); break; default : for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { read(fd[0], inbuf, MSGSIZE); inbuf[ret] = 0; printf(“%s\n”, inbuf); } wait(NULL); } $a.out hello, world #1 hello, world #2 hello, world #3 => 무한 대기 무한대기

16 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  ex) pipe from child to parent fd[0]fd[1] parent fd[0]fd[1] child kernel pipe fork write() read()

17 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  ex) pipe from child to parent (recommended) switch(pid = fork()) { case -1 : perror(“fork error”); exit(1); case 0 : close(fd[0]); write(fd[1], msg1, MSGSIZE); write(fd[1], msg2, MSGSIZE); write(fd[1], msg3, MSGSIZE); break; default : close(fd[1]); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { read(fd[0], inbuf, MSGSIZE); printf(“%s\n”, inbuf); } wait(NULL); }

18 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  pipe from child to parent (recommended) parentchild kernel pipe fork fd[0]fd[1] write() read()

19 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Non-blocking reads and writes to use fstat  If st_size > 0, and then read() from pipe  st_size : number of characters currently in the pipe  problem : if several processes are reading the pipe, another process could read from a pipe in the gap between fstat and read to use fcntl ( recommend)  O_NONBLOCK flag errno -1 : EAGAIN #include if( fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1 ) perror(“fcntl”);

20 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Non-blocking read and write #include #define MSGSIZE 6 int parent (int *); int child (int *); char *msg1 = "hello"; char *msg2 = "bye!!"; void fatal(char* msg) { fprintf(stderr,”%s\n”,msg);exit(1);} int main(){ int pfd[2]; /* 파이프를 개방한다 */ if(pipe (pfd) == -1) fatal ("pipe call"); /* p[0] 의 O_NONBLOCK 플래그를 1 로 설정한다 */ if (fcntl (pfd[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) fatal ("fcntl call"); switch(fork()){ case -1: fatal("fork call"); /* 오류 */ case 0: child(pfd); /* 자식 */ default: parent (pfd); /* 부모 */ } }

21 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Non-blocking read and write int parent (int p[2]) {/* 부모의 코드 */ int nread; char buf[MSGSIZE]; close (p[1]); for(;;) { switch (nread = read(p[0], buf, MSGSIZE)){ case -1: /* 파이프에 아무것도 없는지 검사한다. */ if (errno == EAGAIN){ printf ("(pipe empty)\n"); sleep (1); break; } else { perror("read call"); exit(1);} case 0: /* 파이프가 닫혔음. */ printf ("End of conversation\n"); exit (0); default: printf ("MSG=%s\n", buf); } } }

22 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Non-blocking read and write int child(int p[2]) { int count; close (p[0]); for (count= 0; count < 3; count++) { write (p[1], msg1, MSGSIZE); sleep(3); } /* 마지막 메시지를 보낸다 */ write (p[1], msg2, MSGSIZE); exit (0); } $a.out (pipe empty) MSG=hello (pipe empty) MSG=hello (pipe empty) MSG=hello (pipe empty) MSG=bye!! (pipe empty) End of conversation

23 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Using select to handle multiple pipes Server & client Applications parent Child 1 pipe fork fd1[0] fd1[1] write() read() Child 2 fd2[0]fd3[0] fd2[1] fd3[1] pipe Child 3 fork

24 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Using select to handle multiple pipes nfds : specifies the range of file descriptors to be tested.  0 ~ nfds-1 readfds : the specified file descriptors is ready for reading writefds : FDs is ready for writing errorfds : FDs is ready for error checking Timeout  Timeout = NULL : block forever or until something of interest turns up  timeout.tv_sec = 0 && timeout.tv_usec = 0: returns immediately without blocking  Timeout.tv_sec != 0 || timeout.tv_usec != 0 : return after that number of tv_sec or tv_usec specified if there is no FDs activity #include int select (int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set* errorfds, struct timeval *timeout); #include struct timeval { long tv_sec; /*second */ long tv_usec; /*microseconds */ } 0 : timeout, -1 : error >0 : the number of “interesting” FDs

25 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Macro for manipulating sets of file descriptor (bit mask) #include /* initialize the mask pointed to by fdset */ void FD_ZERO(fd_set *fdset); /* set the bit, fd, in the mask pointed to by fdset */ void FD_SET(int fd, fd_set* fdset); /* is the bit, fd, set in the mask pointed to by fdset */ void FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set* fdset); /* turn off the bit, fd, in the mask pointed to by fdset */ void FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set *fdset);

26 2007 UNIX Programming Pipes  Using select to handle multiple regular files #include. int fd1, fd2; fd_set readset; fd1 = open(“file1”, O_RDONLY); fd2 = open(“file2”, O_RDONLY); FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_SET(fd1, &readset); FD_SET(fd2, &readset); switch(select(5,&readset,NULL,NULL,NULL)) { /* logic */ } select(fd2+1,&readset,NULL,NULL,NULL) Not recommended

27 2007 UNIX Programming pipes  Examples (Using select to handle multiple pipes) #include #define MSGSIZE 6 char *msg1 = "hello"; char *msg2 = "bye!!"; void parent(int a[][]); int child(int b[]); void fatal(char* msg){ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",msg);exit(1);} int main(){ int pip[3][2]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (pipe(pip[i]) == -1) fatal("pipe call"); switch (fork()){ case -1: /* 오류 */ fatal("fork call"); case 0: /* 자식 */ child(pip[i]); } parent(pip); /* 부모 */ exit(0); }

28 2007 UNIX Programming pipes  Examples (parent process) void parent(int p[3][2]){ char buf[MSGSIZE], ch; fd_set set, master; int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) close(p[i][1]); FD_ZERO(&master); FD_SET(0, &master); for (i = 0; i <3; i++) FD_SET(p[i][0], &master); while(set=master, select (p[2][0]+1, &set, NULL, NULL, NULL) > 0){ if(FD_ISSET(0, &set)){ /* standard input check */ printf ("From standard input..."); read (0, &ch, 1); printf("%c\n", ch); } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if(FD_ISSET(p[i][0], &set)) { if(read(p[i][0], buf, MSGSIZE) > 0) { printf ("Message from child%d\n", i); printf ("MSG=%s\n",buf); } if(waitpid (-1, NULL,WNOHANG) == -1) return; }

29 2007 UNIX Programming pipes  Examples (child process) int child(int p[2]){ int count; close(p[0]); for (count = 0; count < 2; count++) { write (p[1], msg1, MSGSIZE); sleep (getpid()%4); } write (p[1], msg2, MSGSIZE); exit (0); } $a.out Message from child0 MSG=hello Message from child1 MSG=hello Message from child2 MSG=hello Message from child2 MSG=hello Message from child2 MSG=bye!! d From standard input...d From standard input... Message from child0 MSG=hello.

30 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  Pipes and the exec system call %ls –l | wc Shell /bin/sh parent child ls child wc pipe fd[1]fd[0] /* stdin 에서 command read */ /* command parsing */ /* 2 개의 command 이고 둘이 pipe 로 연결되어 있다면 */ int fd[2], c1; pipe(fd); c1 = fork (); If(!c1) {/*first child*/ close( fd[0] ); close(1); dup2( fd[1],1 ); close( fd[1]); execlp(/*ls –l first command */); } c2= fork (); If(!c2) {/*second child*/ close( fd[1] ); close(0); dup2( fd[0],0 ); close( fd[0]); execlp(/*wc second command */); } close( fd[0] ); close( fd[1] );

31 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  dup(), dup2() 사용중인 파일 디스크립터의 복사본을 만듦  dup() 는 새 파일 디스크립터가 할당  dup2() 는 fd2 를 사용 리턴 값  성공하면 복사된 새 파일 디스크립터, 실패하면 -1  dup() 는 할당 가능한 가장 작은 번호를 리턴  dup2() 는 fd2 를 리턴  dup2() 는 복사본을 만들기 전에 기존의 fd2 를 close 함 #include int dup(int fd); int dup2( int fd, int fd2);

32 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  Another method: The Join program parent Child 2 (com1) wait() write() (stdout) read() (stdin) pipe Child 1 (com2) P[1]P[0]

33 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  Pseudo-code form of the Join program Process forks, parent waits for child And child continues Child create a pipe Child then forks In child created by second fork (child 2): standard output is coupled to write end of pipe using dup2 excess file descriptors are closed program described by ‘com1’ is exec’ed In child of first fork (child 1): standard input is coupled to read end of pipe using dup2 excess file descriptors are closed program described by ‘com2’ is exec’ed

34 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  The Join program int join(char* com1[], char* com2[]){ int p[2], status; /* 명령을 수행할 자식을 생성한다. */ switch (fork()){ case -1: /* 오류 */ fatal ("1st fork call in join"); case 0: /* 자식 */ break; default: /* 부모 */ wait(&status); return (status); } /* 루틴의 나머지 부분으로 자식에 의해 수행된다. */ /* 파이프를 만든다. */ if (pipe(p) == -1) fatal ("pipe call in join");

35 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  The Join program switch (fork()){/* 다른 프로세스를 생성한다. */ case -1: /* 오류 */ fatal ("2nd fork call in join"); case 0: /* 쓰는 프로세스 */ dup2 (p[1],1); /* 표준 출력이 파이프로 가게 한다. */ close (p[0]); /* 화일 기술자를 절약한다. */ close (p[1]); execvp (com1[0], com1); /* execvp 가 복귀하면, 오류가 발생한 것임. */ fatal("1st execvp call in join"); default: /* 읽는 프로세스 */ dup2(p[0], 0); /* 표준 입력이 파이프로부터 오게 한다 */ close (p[0]); close (p[1]); execvp (com2[0], com2); fatal ("2nd execvp call in join"); }}

36 2007 UNIX Programming Sell pipe implementation  The Join program 앞서 join routine 은 다음 프로그램을 이용하여 호출될 수 있다 : #include main() { char *one[4] = {"ls", "-l", "/usr/lib", NULL}; char *two[3] = {"grep", " ∧ d", NULL}; int ret; ret = join (one, two); printf ("join returned %d\n", ret); exit (0); }

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