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Who Egyptian military and families along Gaza border.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Egyptian military and families along Gaza border."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who

3 Egyptian military and families along Gaza border

4 What

5 Egyptian military is smashing homes along the Gaza border leaving thousands of families homeless.

6 Where

7 Egyptian border of Gaza in Egypt.

8 When

9 The article was written October 30th in 2014 in Egypt.

10 Why

11 To create a buffer zone to cut off Gaza smuggling routes between territories.

12 We think the Egyptian military should stop this because people who live in this border’s lives are changing dramatically. If they think this is the only way to stop the smuggling they are wrong.

13 The fact that people are losing their homes and losing their way of life is just devastating to us and everyone on the border. We would be devastated if that happened to us.

14 If the Egyptian military might think that the only way to get rid off these smuggling routes is to destroy peoples homes.

15 Someone might think differently about this topic if they think that the smuggling wouldn't stop unless they create this buffer zone.


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