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Class: EDUC 533 Student: I-Chia Hsieh & Chang Chang Wu Professor: Dr. Josh Fischer.

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Presentation on theme: "Class: EDUC 533 Student: I-Chia Hsieh & Chang Chang Wu Professor: Dr. Josh Fischer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class: EDUC 533 Student: I-Chia Hsieh & Chang Chang Wu Professor: Dr. Josh Fischer

2 We choose Problem-Finding-Problem Solving Assessment which a model to use in Taiwanese physical education.

3  The physical education in American provide a good environment for sports field.  Most Taiwanese think physical education is not important for future life.  The K-12 students’ physical education is immobile curriculum in Taiwan.

4  No Media Instruction in Sport.  Using Media to create students interest.  Using Media to know about sport knowledge.

5  Disease: Asthma, Heart Disease, and Disabled People.

6 1. Taiwanese physical education teachers would be using in instructional materials. 2. In K-12 of Taiwan, students are forced to follow the fixed curriculum. Pushing students to do some certain sports, have students generate interests. 3. Certain sport facilities, computers are not available. 4. More different choices of sport facilities. 5. More sports choices and have students choose by themselves. 6. Learn certain sports as a job in the future.

7  Students will have various sport abilities than before. They could create their sport learning interest.

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