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BACK SURFACE PROGRESSIVE TOKAI BS SERIES. TOKAI BS SERIES 1) Back surface progressive 2) Back surface aspheric 3) Personal Design System a. Selectable.

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Presentation on theme: "BACK SURFACE PROGRESSIVE TOKAI BS SERIES. TOKAI BS SERIES 1) Back surface progressive 2) Back surface aspheric 3) Personal Design System a. Selectable."— Presentation transcript:


2 TOKAI BS SERIES 1) Back surface progressive 2) Back surface aspheric 3) Personal Design System a. Selectable progressive corridor b. Selectable front base curve c. Requestable inset amount (Flexible inset amount) 1) Back surface progressive 2) Back surface aspheric 3) Progressive corridor 13 / 15 Custom-made back surface progressive BS-C UV Back surface progressive BS-13 UV BS-15 UV

3 The design points of BS series 1. Improvement in basic ophthalmic performance 2. Correspondence to individuals (Personal Design System) TOKAI BS SERIES

4 BACK SURFACE PROGRESSIVE DESIGN Designing an ideal surface, which combines dioptoric, aspheric and progressive surface Improvement in Basic performance Assuming a progressive and aspheric surface

5 Front surface aspheric design -3.50D Fixed aspheric amount -4.00D-4.50D BACK SURFACE ASPHERIC DESIGN Improvement in Basic performance

6 -3.50D Ideal aspheric amount for each dioptor -4.00D-4.50D TOKAI BS series BACK SURFACE ASPHERIC DESIGN Improvement in Basic performance

7 Certain aspheric amount at each axis -4.50D -3.50D BACK SURFACE ASPHERIC DESIGN Improvement in Basic performance

8 Lower BS series Conventional progressive Higher 15 KINDS OF FRONT BASE CURVE Improvement in Basic performance

9 BACK SURFACE PROGRESSIVE + ASPHERIC About 30% About 35% Thinner and Lighter IMPROVEMENT IN BASIC OPHTHALMIC PERFORMANCE Increasing the vision field Reducing floating and distortions (S-6.00 ADD2.00 Comparison in Tokai) Ordinary BS series

10 PERSONAL DESIGN SYSTEM (P.D.S) *Entrustment is allowed Correspondence to individual Corresponding to each wearer’s individual eyes 1.Progressive corridor Selectable from corridor lengths of 11, 13, 15 or 17mm 2. Front base curve Selectable front base curve from lower or higher 3. Inset Requestable inset 0.0 to 5.0mm, 0.1mm steps

11 Corridor Length Selectable Entrustment ◎ ◎ 使用目的・累進経験・年齢・度数情報 ◎ 静的ライフスタイル・スタイリッシュフレーム ◎ Active life style, mitigated floating and distortion Considering the shift of requirements Age Experience PERSONAL DESIGN SYSTEM (P.D.S)

12 CORRIDOR LENGTH 11mm ◎ 13mm ◎ 15mm ◎ 17mm ◎ Correspondence to individual

13 *Selecting from 13mm or 15mm automatically *Determining appropriate corridor length, considering far dioptor and addition Considering the shift of requirements Age of wearer Experience of wearing progressive CORRIDOR LENGTH Correspondence to individual

14 Front base curve Selectable Entrustment Standard Higher Lower Ophthalmic performance Cosmetic Frame shape PERSONAL DESIGN SYSTEM (P.D.S) Optimized based curve Adjusting front curve

15 *Request a Higher or Lower *Two steps higher or lower taking a balance of R & L base curves FRONT BASE CURVE Correspondence to individual Lower Standard Higher Lower NegativePositive

16 The lens is thin. Same distance from lens to face = Small deformation The lens is thick. Same distance from eye to lens = Small distortion FRONT BASE CURVE Standard base curve Lower Higher Increasing cosmetic performance Increasing ophthalmic performance Correspondence to individual

17 Inset 1) Specific inset 0.0mm to 5.0mm in 0.1mm step, at Right and Left 2) Far PD and selecting reading distance from 33, 36 or 40cm Calculated the inset amount based on Far dioptor, Addition and Front base curve (Far PD 62mm and Reading distance 36cm) Inset amount is printed on envelop Requestable Entrustment PERSONAL DESIGN SYSTEM (P.D.S)

18 Far and Near EP Corridor length Flexible inset design Far EP Near EP Inset Correspondence to individual

19 Prism effect = Change of PD Naked eye sight Prism effected eye sight Object Reading distance Far PD Flexible inset design Correspondence to individual

20 Influence of Far dioptor 2.5mm Flexible inset design Correspondence to individual Inset(mm)

21 Model of calculated ray tracing Vertex distance 12mm Tilt angle: 10 degrees Progressive corridor Horizontal glance line Reading glance line Flexible inset design Correspondence to individual

22 Influence of vertex distance Flexible inset design Correspondence to individual Inset(mm)

23 Transition by tilt angle Flexible inset design Inset(mm) Correspondence to individual

24 Difference of Inset amount by PD for Far Object Requesting a specific Inset amount Long PD Large Inset mount

25 Difference of Inset amount by PD for Far Object Requesting a specific Inset amount Short PD Small Inset amount

26 Difference of Inset amount by Reading distance Object Requesting a specific Inset amount Reading distance Inset amount

27 Difference of Inset amount by Reading distance Object Short Reading distance Requesting a specific Inset amount Large Inset amount

28 Requesting a specific Inset amount Difference of Far PD & Reading distance Long PD Short PD Inset(mm)

29 Suitable front base curve Selectable progressive corridorSelectable front base curveRequestable inset amountFlexible inset amount P.D.S Optimum aspheric amount Improvement in basic performance OPTIMIZATION FLEXIBILITY TOKAI BS SERIES



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