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1 Status, Requirements and Proposal SIP Routing Operations, Policy, and Request-URI Discussion Sean OlsonRobert Sparks

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Presentation on theme: "1 Status, Requirements and Proposal SIP Routing Operations, Policy, and Request-URI Discussion Sean OlsonRobert Sparks"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Status, Requirements and Proposal SIP Routing Operations, Policy, and Request-URI Discussion Sean OlsonRobert Sparks

2 2 Problem Statement zHow do we modify Route processing to allow for loose routing to a SIP element

3 3 Requirements zLoose routing zAllow flexible Request-URI rewriting policy zHandle inbound and outbound proxies zHandle “visited” and “home” proxies zAllow for routes not strictly constructed with Record-Route (pre-loaded routes) zShould be backwards compatible zShould work for SIP ALG devices zSee also draft-bjorkner-sip-serviceroute-00 and draft-garcia-sipping-3gpp-reqs-02

4 4 Proposal zRelax Route processing rules to allow loose routing in a backwards compatible way zRequest-URI rewriting and topmost Route removal become local policy decisions yRoute header value is removed when reached yRequest-URI and topmost route value will differ in some way

5 5 Proposal zSolves Outbound/Inbound proxy issues zLeaves Record-Route as is zDiscussion of meaning of port/transport in R/RR will be a separate thread.

6 6 GOAL zReach consensus by 12/28 (2 weeks)

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