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M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 1 Radiation damage in scintillating fibers -Preliminary literature study- I am no expert in the field  consume results with care.

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Presentation on theme: "M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 1 Radiation damage in scintillating fibers -Preliminary literature study- I am no expert in the field  consume results with care."— Presentation transcript:

1 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 1 Radiation damage in scintillating fibers -Preliminary literature study- I am no expert in the field  consume results with care Michael Moll CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Sorry for the bad quality of the scanned figures!

2 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 2 Polystyrene (Fiber core)

3 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 3 Scintillating process PS (Polystyrene) –excited by ionizing particles –poor fluorescence yield –needs scintillator to enhance light yield p-Terphenyl –scintillator : Foerster transition, non radiative energy transfer POPOP –wavelengthshifter (into transparent region of PS) –Absorption/Emission overlapp  self-absorption PMP (1-phenyl-3-mesityl-2-pyrazoline) –one component system –large stokes shift –low self absorbtion

4 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 4 Fiber dopants H.Leutz, NIMA364(1995) 422

5 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 5 Attenuation length in PS

6 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 6 Photon detection efficiencies P.Buzhan et al. NIMA 504 2003 48 Silicon Photomultiplier

7 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 7 Expected radiation levels 100 Gy/yr (low luminosity run)  10Krad/year 10 5-6 Gy/year (full luminosity run)  10 7-8 rad/year Per’s talk (values to be confirmed): Questions: a) What will happen after 50 Krad/500 Gy of ionizing radiation? (5 yrs low L) b) What will happen after 100 Mrad/1 MGy of ionizing radiation? (1 yr high L) Very rough conversion: 3x10 -10 Gy particle/cm 2 a) 50 Krad = 500 Gy = 2x10 12 particles/cm 2 (less than 10 minutes in T7 PS beam) b) 1 Grad = 10 MGy = 8x10 16 particles/cm 2 (8 weeks of high intensity run)

8 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 8 Radiation damage – What is damaged? formation of color centers in the fiber core  decrease of light transmission chemical degradation of the added scintillators  reduced light emission of the scintillators degrade quality of the cladding layers  increased reflection losses together with infiltrated gases radiation might produce radicals which change the chemical structure

9 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 9 Parameters that are influencing radiation damage dose and dose rate ambient temperature during irradiation recovery (annealing effects); storage after irradiation coloration of the basic matrix chemical structure and molar fractions of added dopants nature of surrounding gas during irradiation polymerization time during production temperature and atmosphere during transport, storage and machining oxygen content in fibers Influence of the following parameters has been reported: VERY COMPLEX TOPIC !!  difficult to disentangle the different contributions to the overall damage

10 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 10 Pion irradiation of Kuraray fibers Kurary SCSF-78M fibers (0.5mm, 450nm, double cladding) 146 MeV/c pions stopped inside fiber detector ~10KGy(1Mrad) deposited in center of detector (1.7e13  /cm 2 ) J.Baehr et al., NIMA449(2000)260 (HERA-B) Result: No damage seen within 10% error of experiment.  First hint that scintillating mechanism is relatively radiation hard Introduction of paper reflects nicely the multitude of different / contradicting observations: radiation:…. damages are observed in some cases already at some 10 krad [9,10] other studies show considerable efects only above 1Mrad [11,12]….. annealing:…. Very often a recovery of the light output of the irradiated material has been reported after the irradiation. Recovery times of some days [4,6,14], of several weeks [12] or even months [9] have been observed. However, for the same material, total [12] and no recovery [11] are reported…..

11 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 11 Reactor neutrons: Irradiation damage A.Asmone et al. NIMA338(1994)398 Bicron Kuraray

12 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 12 “Radiation Hard” fibers 3-Hydroxyflavone (3HF) doped fibers smaller permanent radiation damage than other fibers large Stokes shift (one component system) 530nm Only 40% lightoutput compared to PMP e.g. Kuraray SCSF-3HF(1500) Two step scintillating process: –PS (activation) – 99% –P-Terphenyl (primary Fluor) - 1% –3HF (secondary Fluor) - 1500ppm L = 10,30,100,300 cm

13 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 13 Radiation damage - Attenuation length of 3HF fibers (Kuraray) K.Hara et al. NIMA 411 1998 31 using the fit formula above: after 50 Krad: / 0 = 0.56 after 1 Mrad: / 0 = 0.37 (after 1 Grad: / 0 < 0) Attenuation loss: e.g.l=100 mm fiber length attenuation length: 0 = 4.5 m –exp(-l/ 0 ): before irr : 98% – after 50 Krad: 96% – after 1 Mrad: 94% -1 year full lumi 100 Mrad: 76% -2 year full lumi 200 Mrad: 55%

14 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 14 Annealing at room temperature very strong annealing K.Hara et al. NIMA 411 1998 31

15 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 15 CERN -RD25 fiber length: 2m fiber diameter: 1mm mounted inside lead calorimeter module 0.5 GeV electrons LIL – LEP Injector Linac 10 10 electrons/burst – 100Hz measurement of light output during irradiation ….. up to 5Mrad CERN/DRDC/93-26 and 93-38 Table: after irradiation unclear annealing state (?)

16 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 16 Polymethylmethacrylate PMMA (Cladding) Fluorinated Polymethylmethacrylate PMMA (Cladding) “radiation hard”

17 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 17 Kuraray 3HF fibers – Mechanical damage S-parameter –characteristic index for the orientation of polystyrene chains along fiber axis –large S-parameter (chains aligned along fiber axis) - fiber softer, more flexible - shorter attenuation length –small S-parameter (chains not aligned) - fiber less flexible - longer attenuation length Difference in attenuation length before irradiation up to factor 2 K.Hara et al. NIMA 411 1998 31

18 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 18 Kuraray 3HF fibers – Mechanical damage Bending fibers on - 1 cm radius - 2 cm radius Degradation appears 1 to 10 days after bending of fibers !! K.Hara et al. NIMA 411 1998 31

19 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 19 Kuraray 3HF fibers – Aging (without radiation) K.Hara et al. NIMA 411 1998 31

20 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 20 Kuraray SCSF-78M fibers – Aging (without radiation) Temperatue dependence A.Suzuki et al., NIMA453(2000)165 Arrhenius Plot of “10% efficiency-loss time” Keep your fibers cold!

21 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 21 Kuraray fibers - Summary Attenuation due to irradiation is the same in scintillating and clear fibers (up to 500 Krad measured) Within the errors of the experiment scintillating dyes P-TP and 3HF are not damaged (up to 500 Krad measured 60 Co- , pions) Strong annealing effects after irradiation (in certain cases attenuation length fully recovered) Bending fiber can cause degradation (that appears with a delay of 1 to 10 days)  be careful with irradiation test  always use a reference sample that is not going to be irradiated in exactly the same way to rule out mechanical damage!! Aging of fibers was observed

22 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 22 Conclusion Radiation damage should not be a problem for the “low luminosity” operation of a fiber tracker. Giving predictions for a “high luminosity” operation is difficult and needs experimental tests and more literature research. What do we want ? --- preliminary status from radiation hardness point of view --- 500ppm - 3HF square fiber from Kuraray Fluorinated PMMA cladding High S-value (for mechanical stability)

23 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 23 Irradiation – CERN PS – T7 – 24 GeV/c protons Still one run this year; Period P3B (20.10 – 10.11); dedicated run for RD50 Fibers could be mounted on the Shuttle System (no access to beam area needed) usable space 200x200 mm 2 (x-z - plane) beam spot 15x15 mm 2 scanning possible in y-direction 1 spill = 5x10 10 p/cm 2 = 15Gy x y z p-beam

24 M.Moll –15.10.2003 - 24 Irradiation – CERN PS – T7 – 24 GeV/c protons Which fibers to use? Which fluences? Length of fibers to be irradiated? Minimum bending radius? Required homogeneity of irradiation? Beam 1.5 cm Fiber

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