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Welcome to AP Human Geography. Factual writing: Give data when available Use specific examples Do not repeat the same idea over and over No value statement.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to AP Human Geography. Factual writing: Give data when available Use specific examples Do not repeat the same idea over and over No value statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to AP Human Geography

2 Factual writing: Give data when available Use specific examples Do not repeat the same idea over and over No value statement or editorials. Avoid words such as ‘better’, ‘worse’, ‘great’ Write in third person. Do not write things like: “as you can see…” “you know what I mean…” “I think that….” Instead write: “It is possible to see…” Explain what you mean. Assume that I do not know anything about HG”

3 Lets use a video game as an example. Question: “Identify, explain and evaluate one of the first video games invented.” Why was it popular? Is there evidence of its popularity? What: the same as identify (what is the question asking?) How: the same as explain and describe. Why: evaluate here you need to say the reasons something is the way it is. What specific examples or data can you sue to support your answer? Where: if applicable, explain where do you see this evidence Remember: Establish the cause-effect relationship

4  What?  Identify a game: Pac Man was the most popular game in the 70s  How:  a yellow monster had to eat all the other little monsters in it way until the screen is empty  Why?  Win points and keep on playing for free. It became very popular in the U.S. and other countries  Where:  Pin ball machines and very old fashioned computers. Later on ATARI


6  (WHAT) One of the first and most popular video games created was Pac Man. (HOW) In this game there was a yellow monster that ate cherries until the screen is clean. The purpose is to earn points and keep playing for free. (WHY)This game became very popular in both the U.S. and other countries because it was easy to play and colorful. (WHERE) People played it in Pinball machines, old fashioned computers and ATARI.

7  "...Since the inception of the telegraph and radio, the globe has contracted, spatially, into a single large village.” McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media.  Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian communications expert and educator who wrote about trends in globalization. As a technological determinist, he believed that modern communication transformed society. He emphasized the influence of electronic media, such as television and computers, on societies. He reasoned that the advent of such technology led to the creation of a common culture shared by people around the world. 1. Describe what McLuhan meant by the term “global village.” 2. Describe two examples that illustrate McLuhan’s concept of a global village. 3. Identify diffusion and give two examples of types of diffusion that spread global culture.

8  The question has three parts. Address each part independently (as a new question)  Part A: Describe what McLuhan meant by the term “global village.”  What? Global Village: the feel of a small community that involves the entire world.  How: Internet: (describe) by making communication between one place an another immediate/instantaneous  Why? because relative distance is nonexistent or closer because of faster communication. Absolute distance has shrunk  Where: everywhere around the world

9  Part B: Describe two examples that illustrate McLuhan’s concept of a global village.  What? Coke  How? Multinational companies. Bottling companies.  Why: because it is faster for the idea to spread and create the need in another country. Because it is easier for a company to operate in many countries at the same time with the use of telephone, internet.  Where: everywhere around the world

10  Part C: Identify diffusion and give two examples of types of diffusion that spread global culture..  What? Define Diffusion: hierarchical and relocation  How? Spreading from one country to another with, Youtube, Television programs. Give examples: Relocation diffusion and tacos  Why: when people move they bring their cultural traits and it can permeate into the host society  Where: in our hometown we may have Mexican restaurants.

11  Part A:. Describe what McLuhan meant by the term “global village.” The world has become a global village thanks to technological advances such as the Internet(what). The reason for this it is easier to connect form one place to another (how). Technology has made places closer because it has changed the 'absolute location and distance of a place. With technology such as the Internet, the relative location has become instantaneous" (why)  Part B:. Describe TWO examples that illustrate McLuhan’s concept of a global village.  A good examples of global village is the selling and use of Coke around the globe. It is possible to find Coke in almost any country. Coca Cola company is a multinational company that sell s and distributes coke to many countries. This is possible because people learn about coke through media such as TV and want the product. For the company it is easy to manage offices in other countries with the use of technology such as telephone and internet. Therefore they can sell their product all around the world.  Part c:. Identify diffusion and give two examples of types of diffusion that spread global culture.  Diffusion is the spread of an idea or good. There are two types of diffusion, relocation an contagious. Relocation diffusion is what happens when one person migrates from their country to another. They bring their ideas with them. For instance, when Mexicans moved to the U.S., they brought with them the food they eat such as tacos. Now it is easy to find Mexican restaurants in the U.S. and many Americans eat Tacos.

12 Please go ahead and work on your assignment. Part A is completed. You may copy from it and/or create your own. Part B and C: you have one example here. You have to come up with the second example for each B and C. Submit your assignments for a grade once you are done.

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