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Glaring  Definition: to stare at someone  Synonym: to stare  Antonym: to ignore  Syllable:  Base word: glar  Inflection: ing.

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Presentation on theme: "Glaring  Definition: to stare at someone  Synonym: to stare  Antonym: to ignore  Syllable:  Base word: glar  Inflection: ing."— Presentation transcript:


2 Glaring  Definition: to stare at someone  Synonym: to stare  Antonym: to ignore  Syllable:  Base word: glar  Inflection: ing

3 Eager  Definition: filled with desire  Synonyms: want  Antonyms: hate  Syllables: e.ager  Base Word: e  Inflection: ager

4 Storyteller  Definition: A person who tells or writes stories  Synonyms: teller  Antonyms: hearer  Syllable: story. teller  Base word: Story  Inflection: Teller

5 Gracias  Definition :Spanish word for thank you  Synonym: thank you  Antonym: you welcome  Syllables: gra.cias  Base Word  Inflection

6 Borrow  Definition: to take or get  Synonyms: get  Antonyms: left  Syllables: bor.row  Base Word: borrow  Inflection

7 Chattered  Definition: To talk quickly  Synonyms: talk fast  Antonyms: talk slow  Syllable: chat. tered  Base Word: chatter  Inflection: ed

8 Libro  Definition: Spanish word for book  Synonyms: book  Antonyms: tv  Syllable: li.bro  Base Word  Inflection

9 Adios  Definition: Spainsh word for bye bye  Synonyms: bye  Antonyms: hello  Syllable: adio. s  Base Word:  Inflection:

10 Lap  Definition: to drink a liquid by lifting it up with the tongue  Synonyms: lick  Antonyms: spit  Syllables: lap  Base Word:  Inflection:

11 Check out  Definition: to out sign and take  Synonyms: borrow  Antonyms: left  Syllables: check.out  Base Word: check  Inflection:out

12 Reunion  Definition: a family coming together again  Synonyms: get together  Antonyms: hate each other  Base Word: reun  Inflection: ion  Syllable: re.un.ion

13 Announcements  Definition: the act of making know officially  Synonyms: speaker  Antonyms: not speaker  Base Word: announce  Inflection: ment  Syllable: an.noun.ce.ment

14 Arrangements  Definition: the act of putting in order  Synonyms: order  Antonyms: not in order  Base Word: arrange  Inflection: ments  Syllables: a.rrange.ments

15 Homestead  Definition: a with its houses and other building  Synonyms: back of a barn  Antonyms: house  Base Word: home  Inflection: stead  Syllable: home.stead

16 Gathering  Definition: to come to together  Synonyms: together  Antonyms: hate each other  Base Word: gather  Inflection: ing  Syllables:

17 Satisfaction Definition: to be satisfied Synonyms: like Antonyms: hate Base Word: satis Inflection: faction Syllable: sat. is.fact.ion

18 Great-uncle  Definition: an uncle of your father  Synonyms: reative  Antonyms: brother  Base Word: great  Inflection: uncle  Syllable: great. uncle

19 Aromas  Defintion: a smell Synonyms: smell  Antonyms: dirt air  Base Word:  Inflection:  Syllables: aro. mas

20 Persisted  Definition: continued firmly  Synonyms: keep going  Antonyms: stop  Base Word: per  Inflection: sisted  Syllable: per.sis. ted

21 Pitches-in  Definition: to help  Synonyms: helper  Antonyms: rest  Base Word: pitches  Infection: in  Syllables:

22 Revolved  Definition: to be centered around a particular thing  Synonyms: span  Antonyms : alone  Syllable: re.volved  Base word: revolv  Inflection: ed

23 Rededication  Definition: making holy again  Synonyms: again  Antonyms: give up  Syllable:  Base word: dediacte  Inflection: tion

24 misunderstanding  Definition: failure to understand  Synonyms: puzzled  Antonym: understand  Syllable:  Base Word: understand  Infection: ed

25 Disappointed  Definition: feeling like things didn’t go the way you had hope  Synonyms: sad  Antonym: glad  Syllable: dis.ap.point.ed  Base word: appoint  Infection: ed

26 Troublesome  Definition: causing problems  Synonyms: annoying  Antonym: no border  Syllable: troub.le.some  Base word: trouble  Infection: some

27 Drizzle  Definition: light rain  Synonyms: sprinkling  Antonyms: hard rain  Syllable: driz.zle  Base Word:  Infection:

28 Shepherd  Definition: a person who herds sheep  Synonyms:  Antonyms: basketball player  Syllables: shep.herd  Base Word: shep  Infection: herd

29 Volunteered  Definition: a person how offers his services  Synonyms: helper  Antonyms: conscript  Syllables: vol.un.teer.ed  Base Word: volunteer  Infection: ed

30 Attentively

31 Nervously

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