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The Modern Compatibility Process to Accelerate Microsoft Office Deployment Curtis Sawin Senior Consultant Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Modern Compatibility Process to Accelerate Microsoft Office Deployment Curtis Sawin Senior Consultant Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Modern Compatibility Process to Accelerate Microsoft Office Deployment Curtis Sawin Senior Consultant Microsoft Corporation

2 Traditional Compatibility Approach Overview Modern Compatibility Approach Overview Modern Compatibility Approach Details When to use Tools?

3 Find Review Keep Testing Test     Find all documents and applications Review all documents and applications for issues and criticality Test all documents and applications that meet the importance bar Keep testing – when finished, deploy Is this cost effective? Are you reducing risk?

4 Manage Risks Things Keep Working Tools Predictable ? Obtain as much data as possible to assess environment IT is tasked with managing the environment, and must deliver Goal is “no surprises” during deployments Heavy use of tools/ automation to provide data 

5 Lengthy evaluations Treats docs/apps equally Costly Tools can misguide 12-18 months of evaluation…before doing any work. Agility is hindered ROI is not evaluated against risk Tools provide technical data, not business data Additional expenses to deploy and obtain value  $

6 Discover Rationalize Remediate Business collaboration Don’t over discover Business Impact Large Scale Day 1 requirements On demand Manage Obtain value Future Planning

7 Post- Deployment Pre- Deployment Proactive Reactive When do I scan my docs for “issues?”

8 Pre-Deployment Activities What to Do Proactively

9 Traditional Method Scan/Find all of them (Inventory) Cross off the ones that don’t meet the bar (Rationalization) Modern Method Partner with Business Areas Track Ask Office docs/apps not traditionally IT- managed Does it make sense to create a list of 10 million documents, and then cross off 99.99% of that list? Goal: “What do I care about?” “What should be tested?” Discovery; Not Inventory What I have What I need

10 Apps and Documents I am accountable to keep functioning at all costs Apps and Documents I will fix if somebody calls me about them Apps and Documents I will never care about Proactive Testing Reactive Testing Testing? Why? Make two lines in the sand

11 What makes it critical?

12 Goal Risk Challenge Automate: “What do I need?” Using technical criteria to derive business value adds “degrees of separation” Using any filtering introduces risk of False positives/negatives Suggestion Make sure your tool/criteria is closely aligned with business criticality… …or don’t use the tool!

13 Rum Raisin 1 Vanilla 2 Chocolate 3 Mint Choc Chip 4 Cookies ‘n Cream 5 Pralines ‘n Cream 6 Strawberry 7 Cookie Dough 8 Butter Pecan 9 Toffee 10 Peanut Butter Cup 11 Rocky Road 12 Peanut Butter & Chocolate 13 Pistachio 14 Neapolitan 15 Cherry 16 Nutty Coconut 17 Rainbow Sherbet 18 Low Fat Vanilla 19 Lemon Sherbet 20 Choc Fudge 21 Cotton Candy 22 Pink Bubblegum 23 Choc Mousse 24 Nut Crunch 25 Black Walnut 26 Fudge Brownie 27 Banana Nut 28 Choc Almond 29 No sugar added Choc 30 Caramel Swirl 31 Pineapple Coconut 32 Fudge ripple 33 French Vanilla 34 Coffee 35 Choc Marshmallow 36 Apple Cobbler 37 Black Raspberry 38 Blueberry Cheesecake 39 Egg Nog 40 Marble 41 Choc Choc Chip 42 Cotton Candy 43 Cherry Cheesecake 44 Orange Sherbet 45 Pistachio 46 Pumpkin Pie 47 Raspberry Fudge 48 Orange Pineapple 49 Strawberry Cheesecake 50

14 Recommendations To discover add-ins/interop apps To drive your test plan Uses installation count and usage as criteria Use Office Environment Assessment Tool (OEAT) Do not use Office Planning Migration Manager (OMPM) during discovery OMPM finds document conversion issues, not document issues Leads to drawing the wrong conclusions Can be OK in limited scenarios (more later…)

15 Discovery tool for add-ins and apps that use Office Executed on desktops/laptops Under user’s context (add-ins) With admin rights (interop) Determines count of add-ins…not usage Determines usage of apps

16 1.Run OEAT wizard 2.Determine target computers 3.Execute OEAT on target computers 4.Compile results 5.Partner with business to identify critical add-ins/apps 6.Identify users/computers that have important add-ins/ apps 7.Perform UAT OEAT User’s Guide:




20 Automated TestingSmoke TestsUser Tests Augment skilled engineers Tune for deployment blocking issues only Quick test pass Goal: find obvious issues to increase user cooperation rates “The only test that matters” Final validation Supported by remediation engineering

21 An app/document is “Compliant” with the latest version of Office Compatibility means that an application or a document has: No bugs… …on the platform you want… …which stop you from getting work done Goal

22 How do you prove it’s “compatible”? Who knows how to do your work? If everything else is broken except the parts that drive the work you do, do you care? Do your work!The people who do the work! Can you afford to?

23 Provision a Virtual UAT environment Leverage a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) Goals: Make it Production-like Make it easy Facilitates rapid (re)provisioning Provides reach, scaleRemove testing barriers

24 Positioning for Post- Deployment Preparing for Reactive Remediation

25 Virtualization as a Mitigation Create a virtual package/instance of Office 200x Get the user immediately productive Remediate with ‘normal’ priority Prepare for Reactive Remediation Augment your help desk (staff, knowledge) Position your help desk to deploy safety net Provide Interactive Guides Deploy with Office 2010

26 Determine ROI for a document conversion project Can it be cost-justified? Leverage OMPM to identify “low risk” files Will an archival approach suffice? Conversion is not the goal of Deployment


28 1.Scan file shares/SharePoint libraries 2.Create OMPM DB 3.Import scan results into OMPM DB 4.Create “low risk” filter 5.Determine estimated storage savings* 6.Export filtered list to XML 7.Identify storage to hold converted files 8.Use OFC.exe/XML to convert files 9.Replace legacy files/Clean up How-to OFC.exe creates a copy of a file, and converts the copy document-conversion-candidates-and-estimating-storage-savings.aspx

29 Deprecated code Macros/solutions OMPM/OCCI Will still compile No need to proactively remediate deprecated code But always test! Position for future upgrades Leverage to identify macro issues Not all “issues” captured by these tools are “impactful”


31 Manage Risk; Don’t avoid risk Prepare the Safety Net Identify deployment enabling tasks and environment optimization tasks Pre-Deployment & Post Deployment Tools Compliment Process Partner with Business areas Discovery; Not InventoryTools provide data…not answers

32 CodeTitleSchedule OSP221Microsoft Office 365 for Enterprises 6/26/2012 16:30 OSP222Empowering Small Businesses: Microsoft Office 365 P-Suite 6/27/2012 10:15 OSP305The Modern Compatibility Process to Accelerate Microsoft Office Deployment 6/27/2012 12:00 OSP224Microsoft Office 365 Management and Deployment 6/27/2012 17:00 OSP321Active Directory Integration with Microsoft Office 365 6/28/2012 8:30 OSP303Supporting Microsoft Office in an Enterprise Environment 6/28/2012 12:00 OSP302Building Integrated Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint Online, and Office Solutions Using BCS and LOB Data 6/28/2012 14:45 OSP340Office Deployment – Notes from the Field 6/28/2012 16:30 OSP323Microsoft Office 365 Security, Privacy, and Trust 6/29/2012 8:30 OSP324Microsoft Office 365 Service Reliability and Disaster Recovery 6/29/2012 10:15 OSP350Office 365 – evaluating, Deploying & Migrating – Notes from the field 6/29/2012 13:00 OSP223Microsoft Office 365 for Education 6/29/2012 14:45


34 Connect. Share. Discuss. Learning Microsoft Certification & Training Resources TechNet Resources for IT Professionals Resources for Developers

35 Evaluations Submit your evals online



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