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What we want from men: At 16: At 21:At 32: At 40:At 55:At 65: At 75: Click on the image.

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Presentation on theme: "What we want from men: At 16: At 21:At 32: At 40:At 55:At 65: At 75: Click on the image."— Presentation transcript:

1 What we want from men: At 16: At 21:At 32: At 40:At 55:At 65: At 75: Click on the image

2 At 16: That he is good looking. That he has a car. That I’m important to him.

3 At 21 Good looking. Charming and educated. Financially succesfull. Sweet and understanding. Intelligent. Athletic. That dresses in style. That appreciates the good things in life. Full of surprises. An imaginative and romantic lover.

4 At 32: Decent and, preferably, with hair. That opens the car door for me and holds the chair when I seat. Has enough money for a dinner out. That laughs at my jokes. That carries my shopping bag. That has at least one suit. That appreciates good home cooking. That remembers birthdays and aniversaries. That wants to make love at least ones a week. That baths.

5 At 40: Not too ugly, he can even be bald. Secure job. That takes me for dinner occassionally. That nods when I speak. That remembers the punchlines of the jokes. That’s healthy enough to move the furniture. That wears shirt that covers the stomach. That remembers to put down the toilet seat. That shaves, at least on the weekends.

6 At 55: That trims the ear and nose hairs. That doesn’t burp or scratch in public. That has at least some money saved. That doesn’t repeat the same joke over and over. That at least gets out of bed on the weekends. That wears matching socks and changes underwear. That appreciates a good TV dinner. That remembers the names of people. That shaves every now and then.

7 At 65: Mustn’t scare the children. Remembers where the toilet is. Not too expensive to mantain. Musnt snore too loudly. Must remember why he’s laughing. Healthy enough to stand by himself. Must wear some clothes. Must remember where he left his teeth. Must recognise me.

8 At 75: Must breath. Must hit the toilet when he pisses.

9 DONT TELL ME IT’S NOT LIKE THAT??? I’ll stick to 21

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