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Health Sciences and Practice & Medicine Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Higher Education Academy Subject Centres Clare Thomson, Dr Kieran McGlade eLearning.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Sciences and Practice & Medicine Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Higher Education Academy Subject Centres Clare Thomson, Dr Kieran McGlade eLearning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Sciences and Practice & Medicine Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Higher Education Academy Subject Centres Clare Thomson, Dr Kieran McGlade eLearning Developer, Senior Lecturer eLearning in Health 2011 conference collaboration, sharing and sustainability in the current environment Creating an Interprofessional Virtual Patient: The Practicalities

2 Health Sciences and Practice & Medicine Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine Higher Education Academy Subject Centres The team… Claire Buchner, Dr Gerard Gormley, Peter Griffin, Brian McCaw, Dr Kieran McGlade, Aidin McKinney, Karen Page, Sean Roe, Dr Ruth Spedding, Clare Thomson Peer review Dr Pamela Gawley Dr Nigel Hart









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