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Fair Trade for a fair future: Global consumer conscience.

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1 Fair Trade for a fair future: Global consumer conscience

2 Recipes 1.Chocolate cornflakes clusters with whole milk chocolate, dark chocolate and white chocolate 2.Chocolate muesli clusters 3.Chocolate hearts 4.Chocolate clusters with cranberries and oatflakes 5.Marzipan potatoes * Fair trade product

3 You need a pot and a small heat-resistant bowl, which must fit in the pot but should not be too small. Fill the pot up to the half with water and heat it slowly. The water mustn't boil, because chocolate forms grainy lumps when the water is too hot. Then you put the bowl into the pot. When you cut the chocolate into pieces, it melts more easily but you can also put the whole bar into the bowl. Stir the melting chocolate in the bowl and don't let it burn. Be careful, a single drop of water makes the chocolate form lumps, so don't let any water get into the melting chocolate. Melting chocolate in a water bath

4 Recipe 1: Chocolate cornflakes clusters Ingredients: 200 g couverture chocolate (milk, dark or white chocolate)* 30 g grated almonds or hazelnuts 80 gcornflakes Preparation: 1.Cut the couverture chocolate into pieces and melt it in the water bath. 2.Squeeze the cornflakes. Mix them with the almonds (hazelnuts) in a bowl. 3.Mix the cornflakes and almonds with the melted chocolate until everything is covered with chocolate.. 4.Working quickly and using a teaspoon, scoop the chocolate-covered cornflakes onto the prepared baking sheet and shape them into free-form clusters with a second teaspoon. 5.Put the clusters in the fridge to set.

5 Recipe 2: Chocolate muesli clusters Ingredients: 200 gcouverture chocolate (milk, dark or white chocolate)* 100 g fruit muesli Preparation: 1.Cut the couverture chocolate into pieces and melt it in the water bath. 2.Mix the muesli with the melted chocolate until everything is covered with chocolate. 3.Working quickly and using a teaspoon, scoop the chocolate-covered muesli onto the prepared baking sheet and shape them into free-form clusters with a second teaspoon. 4.Put the clusters in the fridge to set.

6 Recipe 3: Chocolate hearts Ingredients: 200 g couverture chocolate (milk, dark or white chocolate)* For the filling: Hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, coconut chips, banana chips, dried fruit, ginger cubes… Preparation: 1.Cut the couverture chocolate into pieces and melt it in the water bath. 2.Fill a chocolates mould up to half with the melted couverture chocolate, put in one hazelnut (or a different filling ingredient) and fill it up with more melted chocolate. Remove the chocolate which is not needed with a knife. 3.Put the chocolate in the fridge to set and gently twist the mould to get the chocolates out of it.

7 Recipe 4: Chocolate clusters with oatmeal and cranberries Ingredients: 100 g couverture milk chocolate* 100 g couverture dark chocolate* 2 tsp butter 50 g grated almonds or hazelnuts 100 g coarse oatmeal 40 g dried cranberries Preparation: 1.Cut the couverture chocolate into pieces and melt it in the water bath. 2.Melt butter in a pan and roast the almonds and the oatmeal. 3.Cut the cranberries into pieces. 4.Mix the almonds, oatmeal and cranberries in a bowl and mix everything with the chocolate. 5.Working quickly and using a teaspoon, scoop the chocolate-covered ingredients onto the prepared baking sheet and shape them into free-form clusters with a second teaspoon. 6.Put the clusters in the fridge to set.

8 Recipe 5: Marzipan potatoes Ingredients for 30 pieces: 250 g marzipan 50 g ground almonds 25 g icing sugar 2 tsp rosewater 1 tbsp cocoa* Preparation: 1.Sieve the icing sugar. 2.Add almonds, marzipan and rosewater and knead all ingredients well. 3.Make small balls from the mixture. 4.Sieve the cocoa and roll the balls in it. Remove the cocoa which is not needed.


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