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Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Action 2.4 e Key dossier: Debate on EU Transport Policy post 2010 and Revision of TEN-T Policy.

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Presentation on theme: "Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Action 2.4 e Key dossier: Debate on EU Transport Policy post 2010 and Revision of TEN-T Policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Action 2.4 e Key dossier: Debate on EU Transport Policy post 2010 and Revision of TEN-T Policy

2 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 The Objective Prepare and promote a common position paper and proposals as a contribution of the Ministers to the debate on the most relevant EU Key dossiers from the point of view of sustainable spatial development and territorial cohesion –Key dossier: Debate on EU Transport Policy post 2010

3 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Working Group Responsible Partner: Germany Partners in implementation: –Cyprus –Czech Republic –Greece –France –Latvia –Spain –The Netherlands –Sweden –Croatia –European Commission –Switzerland –Eurocities

4 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Working Group Working Group met on 9 September 2008 in Berlin Discussed a –draft of the report –draft of the contribution by the Ministers Endorsed the main idea: Future TEN-T planning should take into account a strategic territorial development orientation by –using existing classifications of important European centres –defining levels of connecting functions and qualities and –considering these levels as criteria for decisions on TEN-T networks (see attached maps)

5 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009

6 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009

7 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009

8 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Ministerial Meeting Marseille At the Informal Ministerial Meeting on Territorial Cohesion in November 2008 in Marseille –France and Germany presented a progress report on action 2.4 –Germany proposed to examine the points of the draft contribution as lines of action within a working programme for the next months –the Ministers asked the two lead partner states (Germany and France) to continue conducting the work on the four key dossiers on which they have undertaken the analysis and to propose recommendations during a forthcoming informal ministerial meeting.

9 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Next Steps Germany proposes to take into consideration the conclusions of the debates launched by the Commission on the – Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion as well as on the – Green Paper on Future TEN-T Networks based of the Communications of the Commission expected by the end of 2009 / beginning of 2010 to ask EU MS and Stakeholders to further comment on the Progress Report of Marseille

10 Manfred SinzDG Meeting on Territorial Cohesion 18 May 2009 Next Steps Present a common position paper and proposals for recommendations at one of the forthcoming informal meetings of DG and Ministers for spatial planning on Territorial Cohesion in the light of the above mentioned debates and comments Commit the finalised recommendations via the acting presidency to the Council for Transport, Telecommunication and Energy and to the European Commission

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