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Corn Use In Ethanol Bobby Beier. The Issue Corn has been used in the production of ethanol for over a decade now People argue that the corn should be.

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Presentation on theme: "Corn Use In Ethanol Bobby Beier. The Issue Corn has been used in the production of ethanol for over a decade now People argue that the corn should be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corn Use In Ethanol Bobby Beier

2 The Issue Corn has been used in the production of ethanol for over a decade now People argue that the corn should be used to feed animals that will enter the food chain The use of more and more corn in ethanol increases demand for corn Increases price of corn, which in turn drives food costs up

3 Advantages of Corn Use In Ethanol Natural resource that is replenished every year, unlike fossil fuels which take millions of years Other products that are produced after the ethanol is produced Burns more cleanly than other resources such as coal and gasoline Ethanol plants have created more than 400,000 new jobs Rely less on imports of petroleum products from Middle Eastern countries

4 Disadvantages Water usage: pumping down of the natural aquifers 2011 was first year corn usage for ethanol exceeded corn use for animal feeding Irrigation to grow the corn is also a large water depleter Takes large amounts of corn away from feeding livestock Drives feed costs up Drives food prices up

5 Mediation An agreement needs to be reached on the proper amount to use for ethanol and used for feed Valuable resource that needs to be utilized to its true potential Keep feed and food prices at a certain level that won’t have a drastic effect on the economic condition of certain regions Bio-fuels are an important part of our country’s future that need to keep advancing

6 Works Cited Harball, Elizabeth. "Rising Use of Corn Ethanol Stresses Midwestern Aquifers: Scientific American." Rising Use of Corn Ethanol Stresses Midwestern Aquifers: Scientific American. ClimateWire, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 09 Apr. 2013. "Ethanol Makers Get Creative With Corn." Wall Street Journal, 26 Dec. 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2013. Miller, Colin A. Carter And Henry I. "OP-ED CONTRIBUTORS; Corn for Food, Not Fuel." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 July 2012. Web. 09 Apr. 2013. N.d. Photograph. through-ethanols-heart/Web. 23 Apr 2013. N.d. Photograph. identity-the-us-will-make-ethanol-out-of-enough-corn-to-feed-412-million- people/?mobile=ncWeb. 23 Apr 2013. N.d. Photograph. tickells-new-ethanol-film-rings-bell-for-energy-freedom-movie.htmlWeb. 23 Apr 2013. N.d. Photograph. 13. Corn-Fed Cattle, Human and Environmental ImpactsWeb. 23 Apr 2013.

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