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Outcomes of CMS COP11 NADEG 29 April 2015 1. Resolution11.14: Programme of Work Extensive and encompassing list of actions, covering all bird related.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes of CMS COP11 NADEG 29 April 2015 1. Resolution11.14: Programme of Work Extensive and encompassing list of actions, covering all bird related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes of CMS COP11 NADEG 29 April 2015 1

2 Resolution11.14: Programme of Work Extensive and encompassing list of actions, covering all bird related work of the CMS Aligned with Strategic Plan for Migratory Species Prioritisation will be needed

3 Resolution 11.15 preventing poisoning of migratory birds Guidelines on: Insecticides Rodenticides Poison baits Veterinary pharmaceuticals Lead ammunition and fishing weights 'unresolved' issues Delay for banning lead ammunition and fishing weights – EU preferred 3 year delay for preparing a roadmap Diclofenac Suspension of licenses in case poison baits are found A few smaller issues

4 Resolution 11.16: illegal killing of birds Taskforce created for the Mediterranean: Building on: Tunis Action Plan 2013-2020 (also beyond the Parties to the Bern Convention). EU Roadmap towards eliminating illegal killing, trapping and trade of birds ( AEWA-led multi-stakeholder Plan of Action to address bird trapping along the Mediterranean coasts of Egypt and Libya Commission intends to finance work of the Task force. Potential actions: monitoring the trends in illegal killing, taking and trade of migratory birds exchange of best practice experience in combating these activities, Research on specific issues MIKT meeting

5 Resolution 11.17 African Eurasian Migratory Land birds Action Plan (AEMLAP) Fills a gap between instruments Issues very different compared to waterbirds Funding?

6 Other resolutions Saker Falcon Action Plan Bird taxonomy Migratory species and renewable energy Species added to the appendices Institutional decisions Other relevant decisions (climate change, IAS, fighting wildlife crime, ecological networks, boat-based wildlife watching)

7 Questions How should the EU implement these resolutions/guidelines? What actions? Priorities? Funding?

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