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Mark Plumbing Fantasy URL: Realistic URL:

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1 Mark Plumbing Fantasy URL: Realistic URL:

2 Value & Idea of Website Mark plumbing will be run by two different types uses for a database. Database #1 Database #2 Function and programs I Plan to Implement Plan of Work Site Map

3 Database #1 The database will be used as a scheduling system where the clients can schedule an appointment The employee, by job type, or by date the database will also ask them to enter a description of the problem. Scheme

4 Database #1 scheme CustomerID # First Name Last NameCostAddress of work site Phone Number Type of Problem Date Of Appointment Employee’s Name Employees’s NameEmployee ID #AddressPhone numberWork SchedulePosition CustomerID #Employee’s Name Receives information from a form that the client fills out on the Internet website which goes into the following database More tables will be add during the building process

5 Database #2 Database #2 will post information to the website showing what hours are open. Database #2 will also tell them what employee will completing the job if they don’t request a certain employee. Then if they select a certain employee the database will give them their open hours. Database #2 is also going to have a show all link that will show them all open times for all employees. Scheme

6 Database #2 Scheme Employees’s NameAddressPhone numberWork SchedulePosition Database #2 will use the same employee information as in Database #1, but instead of receiving information from the client it will send information to the client. Employee NameWork ScheduleDayDateWorking Hours More tables will be add during the building process

7 Functions and Programs I Plan to Implement (Ideal plans) Functions I plan to use ASP.NET HTML Coding PHP Javascript Programs Microsoft Access Notepad

8 Basic Page Set Up Is on all slides Response Page (PHP) Is uniquely different in each page Is the same on every page (not actual colors=>)

9 Plan of Work 1 st week Gather Information from Mark Plumbing (Employee info and client info) 2 nd and 3 rd week Design databases 4 th week Design Web site Link Web site to Databases

10 Site Map Basic Page Set Up Home Page Form Page Click on Desired page to view possible layout and content. Employee Availably Page Show All Page The Mark Plumbing Web site will consist of 4 pages.

11 Home Page Owner: Mark Schedin Phone Number: Address: Office Hours Will have a dropbox that will allow the viewer to navigate through the website (on all pages) Site Map

12 Form Page Will have form for the client to fill out, which will enter data into Database #1Database #1 And it will also ask which employee they want to do the job (planning to use a dropbox with employees name listed) Then Database #2 will send the information back to the website for the clients viewing (Employee Availability Page.)Employee Availability Page On this page there will also be the email address and phone number were Mark Plumbing can be contacted at. Employee Availability Page

13 Shows Date and Time the employee is available and as you click select employee you will be returned to the Form Page by using Database #2.Form PageDatabase #2 Also gives the client the opportunity to view all employees availability by clicking Show All.Show All Site Map

14 Show All Shows all employees on one page Shows a little bio about each employee How long they have been in the field How long they worked for Mark Plumbing What position do they hold at Mark Plumbing Also allows you to go back to the Form Page where you can submit a “work order.”Form Page

15 Online calendar Chapters14/web_calendar_cs.aspx void SelectionChange(Object sender,EventArgs e){ OurLabel.Text = "The date you selected is " + OurCalendar.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString(); } Web Control - Calendar <asp:Calendar id="OurCalendar" CellPadding="2" Font-Name="verdana" Font-Size="12px" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" TitleStyle-Font-Size="14px" TitleStyle-BackColor="#CCCCCC" NextMonthText=">>" PrevMonthText="<<" NextPrevStyle-Font-Bold="false" DayHeaderStyle-BackColor="#000000" DayHeaderStyle-ForeColor="#FFFFFF" SelectedDayStyle-BackColor="#000000" ShowGridLines="true" SelectionMode="Day" OnSelectionChanged="SelectionChange" BorderColor="#000000" runat="server" />

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