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Mesopotamia Western art.

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1 Mesopotamia Western art

2 Mesopotamia The art and architecture of Mesopotamia centers around their gods and rulers BC beginnings Mesopotamia is the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers Sumerians established first city-states Writing, schools, democracy and the use of the vault and arch all date back to the Sumerians Sumerians- over 1000 yrs of power Then Babylonians, Assyrians and Persians

3 Mesopotamia

4 mesopotamia Due to building structures out of mud-brick, not a lot remains Although some tombs remain, the number is quite small in comparison to Egypt Each city-state had its own god and ruler Sumerians created ziggurats- high temple platform of Sumerian and Assyrian architecture, truncated stepped pyramid with ramplike stairways leading to sanctuary at top The most famous ziggurat in the world is the ziggurat at Ur

5 mesopotamia

6 mesopotamia Built by Ur-Nammu for moon goddess Nanna
Temple at top- blue bricks 720,000 bottom alone, 33 lbs Oriented to true north Ziggurat at Ur, BC, modern day Iraq

7 mesopotamia Sumerians were skilled inventors
Musical instruments have been found by archaeologists, and shows the propensity for lively rituals and festivals Items like shells, lapis lazuli, other semi-precious stones and silver were used for these instruments

8 mesopotamia Silver lyre from Ur c. 2600-2400 B.C.E. 106 x 97 cm
silver, shell, and lapis lazuli are original, the wood is reconstructed, southern Iraq 

9 mesopotamia BC- records of “bookkeeping

10 mesopotamia Epic of Gilgamesh Mtg of Gilgamesh with Utnapishtim
Flood story similar to Noah in the Bible Said that the discoverer- George Smith in 1872 was so excited about the discovery that he jumped up and tore his clothes

11 mesopotamia Writing cuneiform

12 mesopotamia Another famous ziggurat is the White Temple and ziggurat in Uruk

13 mesopotamia

14 mesopotamia Standing Male Worshipper- interesting differences bt art of Egypt and Middle East Khan Academy Burials were made in pits, with many dead being buried at the same time in similar burial pits Many discoveries of sculpture and other pieces have been discovered in the royal cemeteries in Ur

15 mesopotamia The most famous piece to be found in cemetery- the Standard of Ur registers

16 mesopotamia The main panels are titled War and Peace- show different scenes from daily life Possible carried on a stick (standard- name) or part of an instrument Found in a tomb by a man’s shoulder Discovered by Leonard Wooley

17 mesopotamia Akkadians tried to take over, and did for awhile- but didn’t last. Sumerians took back over Babylonians emerged in 1700 BC and took over power Hammurabi- first leader Composed set of fairly humane laws known as Code of Hammurabi on black basalt stele Stele- upright slab

18 mesopotamia Stele of Hammurabi Louvre 1780 BC
Laws written in cuneiform in register Hammurabi receiving laws from god Shamesh (parallels to Moses)

19 mesopotamia

20 mesopotamia King Nebuchadnezzar commissioned the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in BC Consolation for his wife who missed her green, lush home in Persia Rose into air in series of terraced roof gardens Irrigated with water pumped in from Euphrates One of Seven Wonders the of World No archaeological evidence Ever found

21 mesopotamia King Neb also commissioned Tower of Babel- he called his capital city Babylon “the navel of the world” Some, particularly biblical historians, think the Tower is symbol of man’s arrogance- trying to build to reach heaven (270 ft high) Herodotus described Babel as “a stack of eight stepped towers, with gates of solid brass and 120 lions in brightly colored, glazed tiles leading to it. A spiral stairway wound around the exterior, mounting to a summit where and inner sanctuary contained an elaborately adorned couch and gold table.”

22 mesopotamia Pieter Bruegel the Elder Tower of Babel Oil on panel 1563

23 mesopotamia King Neb II, while in this huge building campaign, also commissioned the Ishtar Gate -was one of the wonders of the world before Lighthouse at Alexandria -11 miles of wall -8 double gates -lapis lazuli, copper and gold -Ishtar- goddess of power, war and sexuality

24 mesopotamia

25 mesopotamia Animals on Ishtar Gate- Lions, Aruk (bull), hybrid Mesopotamian dragon- serpent, scorpion, eagle (associated with patron god of city) -all mean power

26 mesopotamia Assyrians had a different style- using much more low relief to show hunts and other things to show dominance of kings and people over nature Tried to show king’s courage during hunt Said that servants would goad lions, then release them for the king to kill Much of Sumerian artwork was in the round, while Assyrian artwork typically was based on relief

27 mesopotamia Dying Lioness 650 BC Limestone Ninevah, Assyria

28 mesopotamia 539 BC brought end to Assyrian empire by the Persians
King Darius- built huge palaces, stone used more as empire expanded Use of more elaborate stone work and carving as decoration Persians held dominance until 33 BC when Alexander the Great took over

29 mesopotamia

30 mesopotamia Persepolis Iran 500 BC
Atop each column- pair of sculpted bulls, symbol of power

31 mesopotamia Bull capital 518-460 BC Persian Limestone Carved from
Probably Covered in Lapis Lazuli, gold leaf and silver

32 Mesopotamia Questions
What is a ziggurat? In what modern day country is the most famous ziggurat? What is a stele? What is the most famous stele? Who commissioned it? For what purpose? What major Sumerian art piece was found buried in a tomb, even though we don’t know why? What is register? What 2 rivers does Mesopotamia fall between? What is cuneiform? What story did the Flood Tablet tell? Why would “The Male Worshipper” have been given that name? What Mesopotamian artwork is one of the original Seven Wonders of the World? What three major pieces of architecture did King Nebuchadnezzar commission? What three animals were on the Ishtar Gate, and what did they symbolize? What is the main difference between Sumerian and Assyrian sculpture? What animal was a symbol of power to the Persians?

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