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Instructor Development 1 Instructor Notes Review this presentation in advance and make adjustments to the slides as you see needed. Consult Appendix B.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor Development 1 Instructor Notes Review this presentation in advance and make adjustments to the slides as you see needed. Consult Appendix B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor Development 1 Instructor Notes Review this presentation in advance and make adjustments to the slides as you see needed. Consult Appendix B for instructions on how to change slides. Slides make limited use of animation and contain ‘talking points’ of course material. Become familiar with the material and the reminder notes on each slide. This course is intended to be presented in 8-two hour sessions. Time is allowed in each session for students to make required presentations. Based on your class size, previous experience of students, and other factors you may want to edit the slides to accommodate your needs. You are encouraged, and it is perfectly acceptable, to modify the slides so long as you do not change the intent/scope of the information being presented. Make the presentation YOURS.

2 Methods of Teaching Teaching – helping someone else learn. L. Dee Fink CHAPTER 2 2

3 After completing Chapter 2 you will understand: General strategies in planning and teaching. Techniques for making presentation. Techniques for effective discussions. and Presentations you will make. OBJECTIVES 3

4 4 General Strategies for Teaching a Lesson: Plan Lesson in Advance Know Your Students Get Students Ready to Learn Engage Students in the Learning Process Check for Understanding Provide for Practice and Conclude the Lesson GENERAL STRATEGIES

5 5 Introduction Body of the Lecture Using Examples Periodic Summaries Checking Understanding and Conclusion LECTURE PRESENTATION

6 6 Main Purpose Part of Lecture Presentation Beginning Question and Concluding Summary CLASS DISCUSSION

7 7 Size Topics Monitor and Problems Off tangent Monopolize Reluctant CLASS DISCUSSION

8 8 5-minute, 10-minute, and 15-minute Reacting to a Presentation Listening and Learning Reacting to the Reactions and Improving Your Performance STUDENT PRESENTATIONS

9 9 CHECKLIST (Introduction, Page x)

10 10 Planning the lesson in advance Knowing your students Getting your students ready to learn Presenting information effectively Checking for understanding Providing for practice Concluding the lesson in a productive way SUMMARY

11 11 Use remainder of class time for students to make the required presentations. Presentations

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