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The Founding of Rome The Founding of Rome Etruscans- Who were they?

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1 The Founding of Rome The Founding of Rome Etruscans- Who were they?
Etruscans influence on the Romans

2 The Legend of the Founding of Rome
After the fall of Troy: A Trojan Prince leads his people west * Aeneas is the Prince 2. When they reach Italy they meet the Latins 3. There a princess gives birth to 2 sons * Romulus and Remus * She was not allowed to have children * They were taken from her (left to die) 4. Raised by a she-wolf and were able to grow up 5. Decided to go and build a city * Romulus and Remus fight * Romulus wins, founds a city named ROME

3 The Etruscans 800 BC- The Etruscans settle in Palatine Etruscans
Wrote an alphabet borrowed from the Greeks Spoke a different language Came from the kingdom of Lydia in Asia Minor

4 Etruscan Empire

5 Etruscan Basics Etruscans: Were Italy’s first civilized people
Known as “People of the Sea” Excellent Pirates and Traders Etruscan Farming: Used mostly iron tools Grew- barley, wheat, millet, grapes and fruits Raised- pigs, goats, sheep, chicken and cattle Etruscan Miners: Dug copper, lead, iron and tin Made weapons from these materials

6 Etruscan Army Etruscan Army: Very strong and well respected
Learned techniques and strategy from the Greeks Phalanx- closed circuit of fighting/waves of attacks Shoes- wore shoes to protect their feet By 600 BC- their army dominated the region

7 Phalanx

8 Daily Life Strong sense of Social Order * had a class system
1. Upper Class- rich and wealthy 2. Middle Class- farmers and traders 3. Lower Class- enslaved people Sung, danced, very artistic Women played an important role in society Lyre- popular musical instrument

9 Religious Beliefs Etruscans had many god
Most were modeled from the Greeks Their Universe: Divided into provinces or sections Humans lived in the center Gods of death and underworld lived to the right Gods of the heavens lived to the left Soothsayers- Priestly aristocrats who could predict events * Read Omens (signs of what is going to happen)

10 Tombs of Gold When an Etruscan noble died a banquet was held
At the banquet: 2 slaves fought to the death Dead were buried in the catacombs Catacombs- underground tombs or Cemeteries Tombs of Gold- built tombs for the afterlife * placed treasures inside of them

11 Roman Catacombs

12 Etruscans and the Romans
Lucius Tarquinius- 1st Etruscan ruler * His dynasty ruled for about 100 years Etruscan Contributions to the Romans: Arches in buildings and bridges Laid the foundation for Rome’s first sewer system Prepared the Forum of Rome * Forum- Public Square

13 Roman Forum

14 Etruscan Cultural Contributions
* Customs borrowed by the Romans from the Etruscans: Gladiator battles at the Coliseum Triumph- victory parade after battle Introduced the soothsayers Founded the city of Rome from omens told by the soothsayers Mundus- meeting point of the living world and the dead *** Etruscans played an important part in the development of Roman Civilization

15 Roman Coliseum

16 Inside the Coliseum

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