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NRIS Lichen Submodule Considerations and parameters.

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Presentation on theme: "NRIS Lichen Submodule Considerations and parameters."— Presentation transcript:

1 NRIS Lichen Submodule Considerations and parameters

2 Considerations  “Business” need What function(s) would it fill or meet?  User community Who would use it? Who supplies data?  Components of the submodule Data entry / data management Outputs - Applications  Sponsor

3 Business Needs  Support FS lichen data collection and management  Supply interpretations and other outputs PSD process AQRV requirements

4 User Community  Data “Collectors” Persons that collect and use raw lichen data  Information Users Air quality program

5 Components  Data entry / data management capabilities  Metadata  Applications Standard reports Interpretation generators External data sources  Data catalog  Internet presence

6 Sponsor  Sponsor Required for success From “management”  Regional Office, preferably several, Director level  WO, Director level  Affirm business need  Elevate and maintain priority of NRIS program of work  Funding  Formal acceptance

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