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Ev and Jambowie's Journey Home... Ev and Jambowie were on a mission to sail around the world using only clean energy as fuel, however their journey was.

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Presentation on theme: "Ev and Jambowie's Journey Home... Ev and Jambowie were on a mission to sail around the world using only clean energy as fuel, however their journey was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ev and Jambowie's Journey Home... Ev and Jambowie were on a mission to sail around the world using only clean energy as fuel, however their journey was soon interrupted when a ferocious storm hit and landed them on an uncharted island. They must learn all they can about fuel cell in order sail back home.

2 Everything you need to know about solar fuel... Photovoltaics Photovoltaics combines “photo” meaning light and “voltaic” refering to volts of electricity. Photovoltaic technology involves the generation of electricity from light Photovoltaic cells (Solar panels) are made of Silicon. semiconductoring By using semiconductoring materials like silicon, an element most commonly found in sand, to release electrons.

3 Solar it works?? Solar power is converting sunlight into electricity by either using solar panel or by using a concentrated solar power Pv panels coverts light into electric current using the photoelectric effect.

4 Process... Getting to know the Process... When light shines on a semiconductor, electricity is produced. The greater the intensity of the light, the greater the flow of electricity! I Dream of Freedom!!!

5 Applications of Solar Energy... Solar energy can be stored at high temperature using molten salts. The salt absorbs sunlight during the day and releases heat at night. This transfer of heat produces energy that is then taken and stored in batteries. They remembered some uses of solar energy, and found a way to use the sun to make electricity...

6 Solar Power Plants Around the World The largest pv power plants around the world are: Finsterwalde solar park, Germany Sarnia Photovoltaic power plant, Canada Lieberose Photovoltaic park, Germany Finsterwalde solar park, Germany Sarnia photovoltai c power plant, Canada To draw inspiration, Jambowie and Ev tried to remember some places they've visited...

7 The History of fuel cell... Fuel cell was Discovered Fuel cell was Discovered by a German scientist, Christian Friedrich Schonbein in 1838. In 1955 W. thomas Grubb modified the original fuel cell deisign and then in 1958 Leonard Niedrach devised a way of depositing platinum into the membrane. This served as a catalyst for the necessary hydrogen oxidation and oxygen reduction reactions; this became known as the Grubb-Niedrach fuel cell. Schonbein Niedrach & Grubb They learned all they could about fuel cell.

8 Reversible Fuel Cell... Getting to know Reversible Fuel Cell... The reversible fuel cell is both an electrolyzer and a fuel cell. When applying an electric current, the device acts as an electrolyzer that produces hydrogen and oxygen from water Meanwhile, Jambowie and Ev were learning all they can about fuel cell, coco and wiwi were planning their own rescue mission!

9 How does it work????? The electrons flow out of the cell to be used as electrical energy.

10 Electrolyzers used today generate hydrogen at relavtively low pressures, thus the quantities of hydrogen requires large storage vessels. A new approach to water electrolysis is proton exchange membrane electrolyzers since it generate hydrogen at high pressures.

11 Electrolyzer does it work? Electrolysis is the use of electrical energy to produce a chemical change. Electrical energy is use to break the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen in the water, thus releasing them as elemental gases.

12 The Experiment... H ydrogen is produced on the negative side or “cathode” of the fuel cell, and oxygen is being produced on the positive side or “anode” of the fuel cell. In this experiment, you will determine the ratio between hydrogen and oxygen. So Ev and Jambowie performed an experiment to extract the fuel to use for their excape. They finally found their way back home!

13 Facts about fuel cells... Electricity generated from the fuel cells are stored in batteries for later use.

14 Advantages – no byproducts (except water) – using renewable resources (water and sun) Disadvantages – only used as storage – not enough background research/products since its a new field of clean energy

15 Ev and Jambowie learned everything about fuel cell and used everything they had learned to sail back home. They became very rich and popular because of their inventions... They developed some new products that uses fuel cell as the alternative energy source. Here are their comments to to some of your concerns. What are some fuel cell products? – fuel cell cars --fuel cell batteries Why is it better to use fuel cell for cars rather than solar panel? – because the energy generated from fuel cells are stored in batteries and more feasible to operate solar panels. Imagine a cloudy day, would your solar car run?

16 Look! They are in our backyard! Smud is popularizing the Fuel Cell Station! PG&E fuel cell car – SMUD formally opened a solar- powered hydrogen fueling station for fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEV). – The station produces hydrogen onsite using power from the sun produced by a large solar panel array. The hydrogen will be used to fuel SMUD FCEVs and other hydrogen- powered vehicles in the region. – A fuel cell vehicle is essentially an electric vehicle that has a fuel cell providing the electric energy needed to run instead of batteries. The fuel cell vehicle carries a supply of hydrogen that the fuel cell converts to electricity. – Unlike a battery, a fuel cell does not run down or require recharging; it operates as long as a fuel is supplied.

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