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DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL Regional Development and Municipal Financing The Hilton Hotel, Bucharest, 26 th June 2008.

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1 DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL Regional Development and Municipal Financing The Hilton Hotel, Bucharest, 26 th June 2008

2 DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL  County surface: 4.054 km 2  Preponderant reief: plain, hill, mountain  County population: 89 localities, 542 000 inhabitans 2 towns and 5 cities with 170.525 inhabitants representing 31,5 % from the county population; 82 communes with 371.238 inhabitans representing 68,5 % from the county population;  Population density: 134 inhabitans/km 2 RELEVANT INFORMATIONS ABOUT THE COUNTY The Hilton Hotel, Bucharest, 26 th June 2008

3 DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL -Dambovita County Council realized a Master Plan for social-economical development, that represents development perspective for the next 25 years, regarding the main domains: technical infrastructure development, agriculture and rural development, tourism, environment, human resources, education and research, culture and sport; -A Master Plan concerning water integrated management was also realized; - Master Plans concerning tourism, communications and transport are also in preparing stage; -Dambovita County Council holds the CRESC presidency (Regional Committee for Strategical Evaluation and Correlating) in South Muntenia Region; -The relationship with the Intermediary body, meaning with Regional Development Agency is one full of results: - “ Rehabilitation of Priboiu-Branesti Industrial Area” - “The reintroduction in tourist circuit of the Targoviste Princely Court” - „Regional transport infrastructure improvement on Pucioasa-Vârfuri- Valea Lungă-Iedera-Moreni-I.L.Caragiale range thought rehabilitation and development of the county roads DJ 710 and DJ 710A” Measures undertaken for county development Hotel Hilton, Bucureşti, 26 iunie 2008

4 DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL -Dambovita Council was the promoter for creating the intercomunitary development associations in the county in order to develop some areas of the county, and also for specific projects, such as : - Waste management - Water integrated management - The County Council is partner in the following intercomunitary development associations: -Intercomunitary development association “ Cricovul Dulce- Moreni” - Intercomunitary development association “Lavitas Titu” - Intercomunitary development association “Dambovita South- Racari” - Intercomunitary development association “Water Dambovita” - Intercomunitary development association “Civitas Targoviste” -Through “ The National Union of the County Councils in Romania” ONG, Dambovita County Council has a representation office in Brussels -Together with UNCJR, we propose modification for normative laws. The role of the intercomunitary development associations, the role of UNCJR The Hilton Hotel, Bucharest, 26 th June 2008

5 DÂMBOVIŢA COUNTY COUNCIL - The most important instrument of the regional politics is given by the volume of the financial resources that can be mobilized for sustaining the regional development programs. - The financing sources came from the local taxes, respectively transfers from the central budget. - Sustaining the regional development only from local sources means the entrance into a vicious circle of the regional imbalance. - The areas with an intense economical activity will be able to collect more resources in compare with others, that is why the development will be even more sustainable. - The chance of the less developed areas will depend on there’s possibilities of attracting investors by giving them some facilities. - The transfers from the central budget are essential for creating favorable conditions of developing the economical and social activities from the less developed areas. - At the central level, regarding the relation with the Economic and Financing Ministry we want to increase the depth for obtaining credits providing co-financing. - bonuses or subsidies are not allowed for investments - facilities tax (reductions in taxes, or even suspension of payment of taxes on a certain period of time) are not allowed. - At the local level, the mayoralty from the rural area can not provide co-financing in order to set up projects. Also, there is no experience or specialists able to attract European funds. Difficulties related to the actors who participate to the regional development The Hilton Hotel, Bucharest, 26 th June 2008


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