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Academic Oral Language Increasing the quantity and quality of output, building on what we are already doing.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Oral Language Increasing the quantity and quality of output, building on what we are already doing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Oral Language Increasing the quantity and quality of output, building on what we are already doing

2 Oral Language Development/Structured Conversation Conversation is connected to what we are focused on in our classrooms, schools and district. ★ Builds academic skills ★ Connects us to Common Core standards ★ Increases language growth ★ Develops language proficiency

3 Conversation ★ Skills for College and Career Readiness (Connection to Literacy Skills) ★ Connection to Life Skills (Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Communication, Flexibility, Wellness) ★ Connection to 21st Century Learning (4Cs)

4 1-Elaborate and clarify 2-Support ideas with examples 3-Build on and/or challenge ideas 4-Synthesize 5-Paraphrase Jeff Zwiers Presentation/Resources In the Columbia Heights classroom: Five communication skills that focus and deepen academic conversations (Rachele Kreuser, North Park 3rd grade)


6 Constructive Conversations: Goal: Students independently build up ideas(knowledge, agreement, solution) using these skills Prompt starters Response starters

7 Response Starters: In my opinion, we should_________because______. In my opinion we should not______because_______. My first reason is_____. Secondly,________. Given the examples I have heard so far, such as __________, I think I lean more to the side of_________because___________. Similar to what [name] said, I think that_______.

8 Constructive Conversations: Goal: Students independently build up ideas(knowledge, agreement, solution) using these skills Prompt starters Why do you think the author wrote this? What are some themes that emerged from How to Steal a Dog? Why are some people poor while others are rich? What is poverty and how do people get out of it? Response starters I think the author wrote it to teach us about_________. One theme might be__________. First, we need to come up with a worthy topic!

9 Elaborate and Clarify Sentence frames for questioning ●Can you elaborate on_______? ●What do you mean by_______? ●Can you tell me more about___? ●What makes you think that____? Sentence frames for responding ●I think it means that________ ●I believe that_______________ ●It is important because______ ●It’s similar to when__________

10 Fortify/Support: Support big ideas with opinions, examples and making connections (from the text, other texts, the world, and life) Sentence frames for questioning ●Can you give an example from the text? ●What are examples from other texts? ●Why do you say that? ●Can you give an example from your life? ●What is a real world example? Sentence frames for responding ●For example ●In the text it said that, ●According to, ●Remember in the other story it said that ●An example from my life is,

11 Build on each other’s ideas and/or Challenge ideas Sentence frames for questioning ●What is your idea? ●How can we combine these ideas? ●What are other points of view? ●What do you think about? ●How does that connect to the idea__? ●Why…..How…..I wonder…. Sentence frames for responding ●I would add that________ ●I want to expand on your point about_____ ●I want to follow up on your idea_______ To challenge: ●Another way to look at this could be______ ●If _______, then______

12 Paraphrase Sentence frames for questioning ●I’m not sure that was clear_____ ●How can we relate what I said to the topic/question? ●What do we know so far? ●What is your take on what I said? ●What are you hearing? Sentence frames for responding ●So you are saying that________ ●Let me see if I understand you_____ ●In a nutshell, you are arguing that_______ ●In other words______ ●It sounds like you are saying that_______

13 Synthesize Sentence frames for questioning ●What have we discussed so far? ●How can we combine these ideas? ●What can we agree upon? ●How should we synthesize what we talked about? Sentence frames for responding ●We can say that________ ●The main theme/point seems to be_____ ●As a result of this conversation, we think we sshould_______

14 Give specific language structures Repeat orally (and again, and again!) Students see in print Students use in print Co-create resource that stays in classroom What could this look like at various grade levels? In the Columbia Heights classroom: Patterned Oral Language (Stephanie Kilpatrick Guerrero)

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