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Roles of the President Culminating Activity with Chapter 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles of the President Culminating Activity with Chapter 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles of the President Culminating Activity with Chapter 14

2 Roles of the President Join a group of 4. Share a role of the President you researched. Each member should do a different role! Complete the study sheet to help with Monday’s test. Discuss as a class.

3 What did you learn? Explain the most interesting fact you learned from this project. Do one for each: A. Your research b. GROUP research Evaluate the merit of this project to the overall understanding of the roles, powers and duties of the President. Evaluate yourself on how your research compares to that of your group members.

4 Stresses of the Presidency Discuss Obama’s agenda from blog. What do you make of a typical day? Show clip of how Presidents age: Why few friends? Why weight gain? Why so much stress? Is the job worth the stress?

5 Perks of the President Discuss inset, p. 380 Go to websites to show perks erks/ erks/ Podcast if you want more: -Presidential%20Perks

6 Keeping the House in Order How does a person win re-election to the Presidency? What factors hinder re-election? Discuss assassinations & impact. –Vice President –Disability –Act of Succession –25 th Amendment

7 Impeachment Review the process. Who can be impeached? Why impeach a President? –The case of Andrew Johnson impeachment-of-andrew-johnson-conflict- between-president-and-congress.html –The case of Bill Clinton

8 Assignment Read pp. 388-393 including inset, 397-398 top part. Take notes by headings. Read handout and answer questions.

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