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Be Inspired By Dylan. How to write a poem? This can be a puzzler!!!!!!! Let Dylan inspire you to write. His poems take the reader on a journey. He carefully.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Inspired By Dylan. How to write a poem? This can be a puzzler!!!!!!! Let Dylan inspire you to write. His poems take the reader on a journey. He carefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Inspired By Dylan

2 How to write a poem? This can be a puzzler!!!!!!! Let Dylan inspire you to write. His poems take the reader on a journey. He carefully uses words that do this and you can do it too!

3 The poem ‘Over Sir John’s Hill’ begins with the word ‘Over’. It immediately invites the reader into the poem – to look over the hill. View over Sir John’s Hill, Laugharne.

4 What is the opposite of over? ‘Under’ of course – and Dylan uses this too! In ‘Poem on his Birthday’ Dylan begins the second verse with – ‘Under and round him go’. Why is ‘under’ a good word to use? In this poem it gives a sense of drama, that something is happening.

5 Dylan uses other words besides over and under. Here are just a few more: Beyond Through Before RoundWhere Behind Look at the next picture of Laugharne Castle carefully – using a Dylan starter think of something to say about it.


7 Now try using these words to write short one line descriptions of views of Laugharne that inspired me. Use the ‘Dylan Helpful Words’ sheet to help you.

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