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To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Alternatives Quarter 1 2 3 4 Total.

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Presentation on theme: "To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Alternatives Quarter 1 2 3 4 Total."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Alternatives Quarter 1 2 3 4 Total Capaci ty Unuse d Capaci ty Requirements Quarter Subcontract Overtime Regular time Subcontract Overtime Regular time Subcontract Overtime Regular time Subcontract Overtime Regular time Beginning inventory 1 2 3 4 Chapter 11 Aggregate Planning and Scheduling

2 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Learning Objectives Be Able To Apply Concepts Listed In Learning Goals Be Able To Use Formulas Listed In The Equation Summary of Chapter

3 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Planning Relationships Business or annual plan

4 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Planning Relationships Business or annual plan Production or staffing plan

5 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Planning Relationships MPS or workforce scheduleBusiness or annual plan Production or staffing plan

6 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Planning Relationships MPS or workforce schedule Business or annual plan Production or staffing plan

7 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Planning Relationships MPS or workforce schedule Business or annual plan Production or staffing plan

8 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs Aggregate plan

9 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs Aggregate plan Customer needs Demand forecasts Competition behavior Distribution and marketing

10 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs Cost data Financial condition of firm Accounting and finance Aggregate plan Customer needs Demand forecasts Competition behavior Distribution and marketing

11 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs Labor-market conditions Training capacity Human resources Cost data Financial condition of firm Accounting and finance Aggregate plan Customer needs Demand forecasts Competition behavior Distribution and marketing

12 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs New products Product design changes Machine standards Engineering Labor-market conditions Training capacity Human resources Cost data Financial condition of firm Accounting and finance Aggregate plan Customer needs Demand forecasts Competition behavior Distribution and marketing

13 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs Supplier capabilities Storage capacity Materials availability Materials New products Product design changes Machine standards Engineering Labor-market conditions Training capacity Human resources Cost data Financial condition of firm Accounting and finance Aggregate plan Customer needs Demand forecasts Competition behavior Distribution and marketing

14 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Managerial Inputs Supplier capabilities Storage capacity Materials availability Materials Current machine capacities Plans for future capacities Workforce capacities Current staffing level Operations New products Product design changes Machine standards Engineering Labor-market conditions Training capacity Human resources Cost data Financial condition of firm Accounting and finance Aggregate plan Customer needs Demand forecasts Competition behavior Distribution and marketing

15 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Objectives  Minimize Costs/Maximize Profits  Maximize Customer Service  Minimize Inventory Investment  Minimize Changes in Production Rates  Minimize Changes in Workforce Levels  Maximize Utilization of Plant and Equipment

16 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Why Aggregate Planning Is Necessary Fully Load Facilities & Minimize Overloading and Underloading Make Sure Enough Capacity Is Available to Satisfy Expected Demand Plan for Orderly & Systematic Change of Production Capacity to Meet Peaks & Valleys of Expected Customer Demand Get Most Output for Amount of Resources Available

17 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Inputs A Forecast of Aggregate Demand Covering Selected Planning Horizon (6-18 Months) Alternative Means Available to Adjust Short- to Medium-term Capacity, to What Extent Each Alternative Could Impact Capacity & Related Costs Current Status of System in Terms of Workforce Level, Inventory Level &Production Rate

18 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Outputs Production Plan: Aggregate Decisions for Each Period in Planning Horizon About –Workforce Level –Inventory Level –Production Rate Projected Costs If Production Plan Was Implemented

19 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Pure Strategies for Informal Approach Matching Demand (Chase Strategy) Level Capacity –Buffering With Inventory –Buffering With Backlog –Buffering With Overtime or Subcontracting

20 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Matching Demand Strategy Capacity (Production) in Each Time Period Is Varied to Exactly Match Forecasted Aggregate Demand in That Time Period Capacity Is Varied by Changing Workforce Level Finished-Goods Inventories Are Minimal Labor & Materials Costs Tend to Be High Due to Frequent Changes

21 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Developing & Evaluating the Matching Production Plan Production Rate Is Dictated by Forecasted Aggregate Demand Convert Forecasted Aggregate Demand Into Required Workforce Level Using Production Time Information Primary Costs of This Strategy Are Costs of Changing Workforce Levels From Period to Period, i.e.., Hirings & Layoffs

22 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Capacity Strategy Capacity (Production Rate) Is Held Level (Constant) Over Planning Horizon Difference Between Constant Production Rate & Demand Rate Is Made up (Buffered) by Inventory, Backlog, Overtime, Part-time Labor And/or Subcontracting

23 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Developing & Evaluating Level Production Plan Assume That Amount Produced Each Period Is Constant, No Hirings or Layoffs Gap Between Amount Planned to Be Produced & Forecasted Demand Is Filled With Either Inventory or Backorders, i.e., No Overtime, No Idle Time, No Subcontracting... more

24 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Primary Costs of This Strategy Are Inventory Carrying & Backlogging Costs Period-Ending Inventories or Backlogs Are Determined Using Inventory Balance Equation: Developing & Evaluating Level Production Plan

25 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Strategies Possible Alternatives Strategyduring Slack Seasonduring Peak Season 1.Chase #1: vary workforceLayoffsHiring level to match demand

26 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Strategies Possible Alternatives Strategyduring Slack Seasonduring Peak Season 1.Chase #1: vary workforceLayoffsHiring level to match demand 2.Chase #2: vary output Layoffs, undertime,Hiring, overtime, rate to match demand vacations subcontracting

27 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Strategies Possible Alternatives Strategyduring Slack Seasonduring Peak Season 1.Chase #1: vary workforceLayoffsHiring level to match demand 2.Chase #2: vary output Layoffs, undertime,Hiring, overtime, rate to match demand vacations subcontracting 3.Level #1: constant No layoffs, buildingNo hiring, depleting workforce level anticipation inventory, anticipation inventory, undertime, vacations overtime, subcontracting, backorders, stockouts

28 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Strategies Possible Alternatives Strategyduring Slack Seasonduring Peak Season 1.Chase #1: vary workforceLayoffsHiring level to match demand 2.Chase #2: vary output Layoffs, undertime,Hiring, overtime, rate to match demand vacations subcontracting 3.Level #1: constant No layoffs, buildingNo hiring, depleting workforce level anticipation inventory, anticipation inventory, undertime, vacations overtime, subcontracting, backorders, stockouts 4.Level #2: constantLayoffs, building antici-Hiring, depleting antici- output rate pation inventory, pation inventory, over- undertime, vacations time, subcontracting, backorders, stockouts

29 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon

30 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon Identify alternatives, constraints, and costs

31 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon Identify alternatives, constraints, and costs Prepare prospective plan for planning horizon

32 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon Identify alternatives, constraints, and costs Prepare prospective plan for planning horizon Is the plan acceptable?

33 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon Identify alternatives, constraints, and costs Prepare prospective plan for planning horizon Is the plan acceptable? No

34 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon Identify alternatives, constraints, and costs Prepare prospective plan for planning horizon Implement and update the plan Is the plan acceptable? No Yes

35 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Process Figure 11.2 Determine requirements for planning horizon Identify alternatives, constraints, and costs Prepare prospective plan for planning horizon Move ahead to next planning session Implement and update the plan Is the plan acceptable? No Yes

36 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Aggregate Planning Costs  Regular-time Costs  Overtime Costs  Hiring and Layoff Costs  Inventory Holding Costs  Backorder and Stockout Costs

37 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks * Number of part-time employees

38 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks 1.No more than 10 new hires in any period 2.No backorders are permitted 3.Overtime can not exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time wage$2,000/period at 20 hours/week Overtime wages150% of regular-time Hiring$1,000/person Layoffs$500/person * Number of part-time employees

39 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks 1.No more than 10 new hires in any period 2.No backorders are permitted 3.Overtime can not exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time wage$2,000/period at 20 hours/week Overtime wages150% of regular-time Hiring$1,000/person Layoffs$500/person Peak Requirement

40 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks 1.No more than 10 new hires in any period 2.No backorders are permitted 3.Overtime can not exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time wage$2,000/period at 20 hours/week Overtime wages150% of regular-time Hiring$1,000/person Layoffs$500/person Peak Requirement 1.20 w = 18 employees in peak period

41 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks 1.No more than 10 new hires in any period 2.No backorders are permitted 3.Overtime can not exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time wage$2,000/period at 20 hours/week Overtime wages150% of regular-time Hiring$1,000/person Layoffs$500/person Peak Requirement 1.20 w = 18 employees in peak period w = = 15 employees 18 1.20

42 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Level Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks 1.No more than 10 new hires in any period 2.No back orders are permitted 3.Overtime can not exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time wage$2,000/period at 20 hours/week Overtime wages150% of regular-time Hiring$1,000/person Layoffs$500/person Peak Requirement 1.20 w = 18 employees in peak period w = = 15 employees 18 1.20

43 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Chase Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks * Number of part-time employees

44 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Chase Strategy for Services DockAisle TIME PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*6121815131478 Current employment = 10 part-time clerks

45 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Mixed Strategies in Manufacturing 1.No beginning inventory or back orders in period 1 2.No stockouts or backlog extensions are permitted 3.Overtime cannot exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time production$4,000/employee-period Overtime production150% of regular-time Hires$2,400/person Layoffs$400/person Inventory$40/employee-period/period Back orders$1,000/employee-period/period ACCOUNTING PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*24142220180136168870 Current employment = 120 workers Figure 11.5

46 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Mixed Strategies in Manufacturing Example 14.3 1.No beginning inventory or back orders in period 1 2.No stockouts or backlog extensions are permitted 3.Overtime cannot exceed 20% of regular-time capacity 4.The following costs can be assigned: Regular-time production$4,000/employee-period Overtime production150% of regular-time Hires$2,400/person Layoffs$400/person Inventory$40/employee-period/period Back orders$1,000/employee-period/period ACCOUNTING PERIOD 123456Total Requirement*24142220180136168870 Current employment = 120 workers

47 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

48 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

49 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

50 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

51 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

52 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

53 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufacturing Process Raw Materials Legend: Batch of parts Workstation Shipping Department

54 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Gantt Charts Progress Chart Plymouth Ford Pontiac Job4/204/224/234/244/254/264/214/174/184/19

55 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Gantt Charts Progress Chart Plymouth Ford Pontiac Job4/204/224/234/244/254/264/214/174/184/19 Key Start activity Finish activity Scheduled activity time Actual progress Nonproductive time

56 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Gantt Charts Progress Chart Plymouth Ford Pontiac Job4/204/224/234/244/254/264/214/174/184/19

57 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Gantt Charts Progress Chart Plymouth Ford Pontiac Job4/204/224/234/244/254/264/214/174/184/19

58 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Gantt Charts Progress Chart Plymouth Ford Pontiac Job4/204/224/234/244/254/264/214/174/184/19 Current date

59 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Machine4/204/224/234/244/254/26 Grinder Lathe 4/21 Gantt Charts Machine Chart

60 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Machine4/204/224/234/244/254/26 Grinder Lathe PlymouthPontiacFord PlymouthPontiacFord 4/21 Gantt Charts Machine Chart

61 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Machine4/204/224/234/244/254/26 Grinder Lathe PlymouthPontiacFord PlymouthPontiacFord 4/21 Gantt Charts Machine Chart

62 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Current date Machine4/204/224/234/244/254/26 Grinder Lathe PlymouthPontiacFord PlymouthPontiacFord 4/21 Gantt Charts Machine Chart

63 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Required employees

64 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1 Required employees

65 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Required employees

66 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Required employees

67 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Required employees

68 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Requirement42678*32 Required employees

69 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Requirement42678*32 Employee3XXXXX Required employees

70 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Requirement42678*32 Employee3XXXXX Requirement31567*32 Required employees

71 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Requirement42678*32 Employee3XXXXX Requirement31567*32 Employee4XXXXX Required employees

72 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Requirement42678*32 Employee3XXXXX Requirement31567*32 Employee4XXXXX Requirement31456*21 Required employees

73 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Number of employees648910*32 Employee1XXXXX Requirement53789*32 Employee2XXXXX Requirement42678*32 Employee3XXXXX Requirement31567*32 Employee4XXXXX Requirement31456*21 Employee5XXXXX Required employees

74 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Requirement20345*21 Required employees

75 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Requirement20345*21 Employee6XXXXX Required employees

76 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Requirement20345*21 Employee6XXXXX Requirement20234*10 Employee7XXXXX Required employees

77 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Requirement20345*21 Employee6XXXXX Requirement20234*10 Employee7XXXXX Requirement10123*10 Employee8XXXXX Required employees

78 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Requirement20345*21 Employee6XXXXX Requirement20234*10 Employee7XXXXX Requirement10123*10 Employee8XXXXX Requirement00012*10 Employee9XXXXX Required employees

79 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Requirement20345*21 Employee6XXXXX Requirement20234*10 Employee7XXXXX Requirement10123*10 Employee8XXXXX Requirement00012*10 Employee9XXXXX Requirement00001*00 Employee10XXXXX Required employees

80 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Employee1XXXXX offoff Employee2XXXXX offoff Employee3XXXXX offoff Employee4 offoff XXXXX Employee5XXXXX offoff Employee6 offoff XXXXX Employee7XXXXX offoff Employee8XXXXX offoff Employee9 off XXXXX off Employee10XXXXX offoff Final Schedule

81 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Employee1XXXXX offoff Employee2XXXXX offoff Employee3XXXXX offoff Employee4 offoff XXXXX Employee5XXXXX offoff Employee6 offoff XXXXX Employee7XXXXX offoff Employee8XXXXX offoff Employee9 off XXXXX off Employee10XXXXX offoff Final Schedule DayMTWThFSSu TOTAL

82 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Employee1XXXXX offoff Employee2XXXXX offoff Employee3XXXXX offoff Employee4 offoff XXXXX Employee5XXXXX offoff Employee6 offoff XXXXX Employee7XXXXX offoff Employee8XXXXX offoff Employee9 off XXXXX off Employee10XXXXX offoff Final Schedule DayMTWThFSSu TOTAL Capacity, C771010103250

83 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Employee1XXXXX offoff Employee2XXXXX offoff Employee3XXXXX offoff Employee4 offoff XXXXX Employee5XXXXX offoff Employee6 offoff XXXXX Employee7XXXXX offoff Employee8XXXXX offoff Employee9 off XXXXX off Employee10XXXXX offoff Final Schedule DayMTWThFSSu TOTAL Capacity, C771010103250 Requirements, R6489103242

84 To Accompany Ritzman & Krajewski, Foundations of Operations Management © 2003 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Scheduling Services DayMTWThFSSu Employee1XXXXX offoff Employee2XXXXX offoff Employee3XXXXX offoff Employee4 offoff XXXXX Employee5XXXXX offoff Employee6 offoff XXXXX Employee7XXXXX offoff Employee8XXXXX offoff Employee9 off XXXXX off Employee10XXXXX offoff Final Schedule DayMTWThFSSu TOTAL Capacity, C771010103250 Requirements, R6489103242 Slack, C – R13210008

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