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EOC Concept 2 Vocabulary Words. Representative Assembly- a legislature composed of individuals who represent the population. First Continental Congress-

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1 EOC Concept 2 Vocabulary Words

2 Representative Assembly- a legislature composed of individuals who represent the population. First Continental Congress- first gathering of delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies, held in 1774. Second Continental Congress- the 1775 congress of the colonies that established an army. Natural Rights- rights held to be inherent in natural law, not dependent on governments. Social contract- an agreement among the people to form a government and abide by its rules. Unicameral Legislature- (one-body) legislature with only one legislative body

3 Confederation- a political system in which states or regional governments retain ultimate authority except for those powers they delegate to a central government. State- group of people occupying a specific area and organized under one government. Bicameral legislature- a legislature made up of two chambers. Supremacy Doctrine- doctrine that asserts the superiority of national law over state laws. Great Compromise- compromise between the New Jersey and the Virginia plans that created one chamber of the Congress based on population and one chamber that represented each state equally.

4 Separation of Powers- principle of dividing governmental powers among the three branches. Checks and balances- each branch of government can check the actions of the other branches. Electoral college- group of persons called electors that officially elects the president. Federal System- system of government in which power is divided by a written constitution between a central government and regional governments. Ratification- formal approval Federalist- person in favor of adopting the Constitution Anti-Federalist- person who opposed the ratification of the new Constitution

5 Judicial Review- power of the Supreme Court or any court to declare unconstitutional federal or state laws and other acts of government.

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