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Update from UNEP-WCMC UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath & Melissa Jaques.

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Presentation on theme: "Update from UNEP-WCMC UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath & Melissa Jaques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update from UNEP-WCMC UNEP/GEF FNR_Rio project – 3 rd Project Steering Committee, March 13 th, 2012, Tehran, Iran Peter Herkenrath & Melissa Jaques

2 Summary of UNEP-WCMC’s engagement on reporting to MEAs 1.Executing agency for the FNR_Rio Project 2.Ongoing work on synergies among biodiversity-related MEAs 3.Providing technical support to the UNCCD’s national reporting process through the Performance Review and Implementation System (PRAIS) 4.Supporting development of national reporting tools for CMS/AEWA and other MEAs 5.Supporting the development of indicators for CBD through the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership 13 March, 20122Update from UNEP-WCMC

3 UNEP-WCMC work on synergies among biodiversity-related MEAs UNEP-WCMC has worked on synergies among MEAs since 1990s Past areas of focus include papers, workshops, decisions/mandates, national pilot projects and insights into national-level harmonization Focus has been primarily on six biodiversity-related MEAs:  Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)  Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)  Convention on Migratory Species (CMS)  International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)  Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar)  World Heritage Convention (WHC) 13 March, 20123Update from UNEP-WCMC

4 UNEP-WCMC work on synergies among biodiversity-related MEAs Most recent report ‘Promoting synergies within the cluster of biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements’  Commissioned by Finnish Ministry of Environment  Builds on past approaches  Outlines practical options for achieving synergies 13 March, 20124Update from UNEP-WCMC

5 UNEP-WCMC work on synergies among biodiversity-related MEAs Five possible approaches to achieving synergies : i)maintaining the existing level of secretariat cooperation and coordination ii)enhancing secretariat initiatives and synergies at the national level iii)clustering of the biodiversity-related conventions iv)merging conventions as protocols under the CBD and v)reorganisation of conventions under a proposed World/UN/International Environment Organization. 13 March, 20125Update from UNEP-WCMC

6 UNEP-WCMC work on synergies among biodiversity-related MEAs Key principles for a synergies process: 1.Government driven – i.e. owned, supported and initiated by Parties 2.Transparent – i.e. at all levels and across all processes 3.Applied and implemented consistently – i.e. across each MEA and their decision-making process 13 March, 20126Update from UNEP-WCMC

7 UNEP-WCMC work on synergies among biodiversity-related MEAs Next steps: Report to be finalised and potentially put forward under Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development discussions at Rio+20 13 March, 20127Update from UNEP-WCMC

8 UNCCD’s Performance Review and Implementation System (PRAIS) UNEP-WCMC provides technical support to the UNCCD’s Performance Review and Implementation System (PRAIS)  PRAIS is an indicator-based online reporting portal designed to track and monitor progress against UNCCD’s 10 Year Strategic Plan and Framework (2008-2018) UNEP-WCMC provides expertise and support for the development and review of Performance and Impact Indicators for PRAIS 13 March, 20128Update from UNEP-WCMC

9 Online reporting tools UNEP-WCMC has been working with CMS and the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) to develop an online reporting tool  Tested by AEWA during their 2011 Reporting Cycle  Tool includes pre-fill mechanisms and delegation functions to facilitate reporting  Currently being tested by the Ramsar Convention for use for on-line submission of the Ramsar Site Information Sheets 13 March, 20129Update from UNEP-WCMC

10 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership UNEP-WCMC hosts the Secretariat of the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership and provides support to the CBD by:  Supporting the development of national biodiversity indicators within the framework of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets  Supporting the review, updating and implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans 13 March, 201210Update from UNEP-WCMC

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