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“God’s Pre-Reqs to Revival” 2 Chronicles 7:13-14.

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1 “God’s Pre-Reqs to Revival” 2 Chronicles 7:13-14

2 The Setting for the Bible Passage King Solomon prepares to build a Temple (Chapters 2-5) Temple completed, dedicated (Chapter 6) The Lord is glorified in the Temple (Chapter 7) The Lord offers a promise and warning to Solomon, vss. 12-15 Specific promises to Israel, a covenant nation BUT principles of Revival can be drawn…

3 “If My People” “If My people who are called by My Name…” Not the lost, not the ungodly but God’s people * Carrying the ‘family name’ – don’t disgrace it! Can People see Jesus in you? Are you content with status quo? Reviewing Laodicea in Revelation 3:14-17 “I am rich and have become wealthy” “I have need of nothing”

4 God’s Intervention in Rev. 3 Vs. 18 – “I advise you… that you may see” What? Vs. 19 – “I reprove” “expose, show to be guilty” What? Vs. 19 – “I discipline”= “train, educate, chastise” What? Vs. 20 – “I stand at the door and knock” Vs. 20 – when you respond, He “will come in to him, and will dine with Him”

5 Shall Humble Themselves Humble = “to be subdued, come under”… “as with an eagle, a ‘folding of the wings’” “Lord, I can’t but You can!” “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” Humility takes responsibility = expressed in confession (“homo – logeo”) admit guilt

6 Fingerprints of Sin – Genesis 3 Misdirect attention “blame” vs. 12 he/she made me do it Self-justification – there’s a legitimate reason for my wayward behavior / poverty, lack of education, broken upbringing vs. 10 Like Satan – twist the Word – sin is not sin at all! Vs. 1, 4

7 “…And Pray…” Prayer becomes humility in action! When we become convinced there is no other way, we call out to God – and abandon our efforts When the conviction and/or hurting gets SO bad, SO intense, the altars will be full of people praying. Pride can hold us back (opposite of humility) Fear can hold us back or complacency with sin (toleration, mediocrity)

8 “And Seek My Face…” Hebrew for “seek” = “aim, beg, investigate, demand, or desire” My face = quest for intimacy / “eyes” Matthew 22 – “Love God will all of our hearts, souls, mind and strength”

9 “And Turn From Their Wicked Ways…” “Turn” – “come back, return from” = a relinquishing of current attitudes and behaviors in order to pursue the Lord Repent = “meta-noia” – a change of mind, way more than ‘sorry’ Church “ekklesia” is the company of those who have responded to that call with their lifestyles

10 God’s Call to Purity and Holiness God wants people to stop sinning. Jesus died to set us free from sin, not to bless our continuing sin. “God is now declaring to men that all everywhere should repent” Acts 17:30 John the Baptist – “bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance…” (Matthew 3:8)

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