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The legends of ophthalmology. Sir (william) stewart duke-elder (1898-1978) A talented and prolific Writer and editor of 7 volumes of textbook of ophthalmology.

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1 The legends of ophthalmology


3 Sir (william) stewart duke-elder (1898-1978) A talented and prolific Writer and editor of 7 volumes of textbook of ophthalmology and 15 volumes of system of ophthalmology


5 Albrecht von grafe MD may22,1828-july20,1870 Described the fundus Of the eye and role of IOP in glaucoma. Development Of iridectomy to treat acute glaucoma. Graefes knife designed. The eponymous sign “GRAFE’S SIGN”is associated with graves- basedow disease.


7 Charles l.schepens MD. March 13,1912 -Marh 28,2006 Regarded as “ the father of modern retinal surgery” Invented the binocular indirect ophthalmoscope. He was a pioneer of scleral buckling. Died of a stroke at the age of 94.


9 Hermann ludwig ferdinand von helmholtz MD. August31,1821-sep8,1894. von helmholtz is best known for his doctrine of the conservation of energy. 1850-invented ophthalmoscope von helmholtz was not an ophthal Mologist.yet he was the one who pulled back the curtain to show what was happening down there in the depths of the eye.


11 Ioannis G.pallikaris,MD,phD “The father of LASIK”


13 Ignacio Barraquer. March25,1884-May13,1965. He conceived the idea of extracting cataracts by means of a delicate subtle application of a suction cup without damaging the tissues Of the eye upon observing a leech capture a little stone in an aquarium


15 Alan Bird MD. 1938. Recognized for his leadership reserch in Inherited retinal degenerations -RP


17 Ramon castroviejo,MD. (1904-19870) “He was second only to God.we have only this great man to thank for the gift of sight” He performed the worldsfirst successful human cornea transplant. he devised numerous instruments. Castroviejo calipers.forceps Needle holder,corneal scissors.


19 Jules Gonin August 10,1870-May,1935. Jules Gonin pioneered the procedure of ignipuncture,the first Successful sugery for RD


21 Jacques Daviel ( 1693-17620) For the first time he Removed the cataract through a corneal incision. Before him,the traditional methods of curing a Cataract involved displacement of the lens into the vitreous Cavity.


23 Frans Cornelis Donders. (1818-1889) Used cylindric and prismatic lenses for correction of astigmatism. Eponymically he is remembered for Donders cutve of accommodation, Donders simple glaucoma.


25 Fyodorov N.Svyatoslav MD. (1927-2000) Father of radial keratotomy. He was a pioneer in IOLimplantation. He was killed in a helicopter crash in 2000


27 Herman Snellen. 1834-1908 Introduced the Snellen chart to study Visual acuity in 1862.


29 Sir (Nicholas)Harold (Lloyd)Ridley 1906-2001 On 29 november 1949 at st Thomas hospital he achieved the first implant of an IOl. It was in 1950 he left an artificial lens permanently in the eye.


31 Vladimir petrovich filatov 1875-1956 Greatest discovery was tissue therapy.


33 Gunter K.von Noorden.MD A pioneer in strabismus surgery. He has published 310 scientific papers.


35 Charles D.kelman. 1930-2004 father of phaco. inspired by his dentists ultrasonic tools. Neurosurgeons have adopted the kelman phaco machine to dissect tumors from brain and spinal cord tissue in children.


37 Norman S.jaffe,MD 1924 He was a champion of the intraocular lens. Author of 13 books. Cataract surgery and its complications.


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