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Membership: Building, Maintaining and Strengthening the Foundation Susan Arnold, Membership Officer Hillarie Logan-Dechene, Director of Philanthropy.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership: Building, Maintaining and Strengthening the Foundation Susan Arnold, Membership Officer Hillarie Logan-Dechene, Director of Philanthropy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership: Building, Maintaining and Strengthening the Foundation Susan Arnold, Membership Officer Hillarie Logan-Dechene, Director of Philanthropy

2 History of project and recruitment of Charter members The Wild Center Membership Program

3 Membership in the first three years Normalization of membership program Building

4 Techniques for Building and Strengthening Relationships with Members Communicating with members Personalization on letters Phone calls for gifts Prominent member pages on Website E-blast

5 Prominent Web Presence

6 E-blasts

7 Social Media: Facebook & Twitter

8 Twitter

9 Special Events: Otter breakfasts

10 The Values of a Member Why is the value of membership questioned?

11 Perceptions Programs are expensive to operate Members are high maintenance and require cultivation and stewardship by staff Most members will never be major donors Members can be annoying – not supportive of current exhibits or programs Membership events suck resources from program staff that are already maxed out

12 Members are valuable to museums Reality check

13 Why do we believe that? The number of members gives an indication of community support They are a group who can provide feedback on exhibits and programs Members provide general opening support through their fees Members additionally make Annual Fund gifts Members buy food and drink at café Members make purchases at museum store Members put museum logo stickers on their cards and wear tee-shirts and hats promoting our brand Members tell others about the museum Major donors lurk within membership ranks waiting to be discovered Members are the best possible planned giving prospects

14 Can we quantify some of this value?

15 Yes. Straight Program revenue less program expense Annual Fund gifts from members Ancillary revenue from store, café or other earned income programs Bequests: the ultimate member gift

16 Value of a Membership Worksheet

17 Net Value of a Membership Unit

18 Member Sales Net More

19 Membership Matters Figure out how to automate basic functions Test involvement strategies Make time for personal contact Keep in balance with other institutional programs Work hand-in-hand with development efforts Measure results carefully and regularly Membership is a foundation to help build the institution

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