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^This is a potato:)  A potato blight caused widespread starvation among the Irish Why the Irish immigrated to America  Over two million Irish then moved.

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2 ^This is a potato:)  A potato blight caused widespread starvation among the Irish Why the Irish immigrated to America  Over two million Irish then moved to the US seeking relief  Over 750,000 Irish starved to death

3 Why the Germans Immigrated to America <An angry mob -German immigration started when many left due to economic hardship and political unrest -This was caused by riots and rebellion -Over 1 million Germans fled the country -Many Germans had little choice to go to America because few other places allowed German immigration

4 The Immigrants Finding Work -Irish Immigrants were very poor and unskilled -Most women worked in factories and as housekeepers and cooks in homes of the wealthy. - Most men worked in mines a) This job was full of hardships and was also a major health hazard b) Mine owners often did not take necessary health precautions -Wages were extremely low for long days of hard labor -Laborers and their families were required to live in company towns -They were also required to purchase food and other items in company stores

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