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The Michigan Transition Services Transition Grant Tammy Robinson August 2, 2012.

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1 The Michigan Transition Services Transition Grant Tammy Robinson August 2, 2012

2 Funding Source Michigan Transition Services Association Mission Michigan Transition Services Association is dedicated to providing support to our members who assist students and young adults with disabilities as they transition through school to achieve their post-school goals. Vision Striving to become indispensable to our members by providing leadership, support and service. Values Providing service and working with our members through professional growth and preparation. Assisting students and young adults with disabilities, as they transition from school toward their adult life vision Creating and sustaining partnerships Assuring the exchange of information with community partners regarding current issues and trends Promoting research based and best transition practices Changing to address current transition issues

3 Transition IDEA states the definition of transition services is a set of coordinated activities for a child with a disability that focuses on the academic and functional achievement of the child moving from school work to post school and adult life, work, and independent life. IT IS BASED on the child’s needs, strengths, preferences and interests beginning at the age of 16 and each year after. McGahee-Kovac et al. (2002) stated students should be responsible in the achievement of coordinated transition activities, post-school linkages, and post- secondary goals.

4 Transition Grant Info Up to $2000.00 mini grants awarded to schools and local agencies Grants are awarded to support transition services for students with disabilities Results and data need to be reported at the end of the project, so goals need to be measurable

5 Need for Grant Students are not living Independently Students are not exhibiting Independent living skills in areas of occupational, daily living and personal/social skills Students need more practice in various environments and with different people to apply and generalize concepts taught in the classroom Schools are no longer able to fund field trips or extension activities due to a lack of funding

6 Purpose of Grant To better equip students with necessary skills needed for a smooth transition to post secondary life To provide students with multiple opportunities to practice, apply and generalize learning in a variety of environments and with a variety of people To assess student’s knowledge of skills to evaluate what they know and to focus on re-teaching and determination of interventions To allow students to succeed at everyday skills they see as meaningful and useful

7 Goals Goals are broken down into three Areas: Occupational skillsDaily Living SkillsPersonal / Social skills

8 Occupational Skills Goals Every student will obtain a State of Michigan Identification card. Students will go to local businesses to obtain job applications. Students will fill out the job applications correctly with the correct personal information. Students will return their job application and follow up with a phone call to the business. Students will participate in a job interview, practicing what they have learned in the classroom. Students will buy appropriate job interview attire with a budget from a clothing store.

9 Daily Living Skills Students will be able to correctly sort a load of laundry. Using a task analysis, students will be able to use the washing machine to wash a load of clothes on the appropriate setting for the type of load. Students will be able to dry a load of laundry finding the correct setting and making sure their clothes are completely dry. Students will be able to find a variety of cleaning supplies and identify what they would be used for. Students will be able to carry out cleaning methods with safety and precautionary measures taken when using and storing chemicals. Students will be able to buy groceries for the week with a budgeted amount of money. Students will make a meal plan for the week. Students will call and make arrangements for the local transportation to pick them up and take them to the desired location.

10 Personal / social Skills Students will read a menu to determine the choice they would like. Students will state their preference with clarity to the wait staff at the restaurant. Students will keep to a budget on their meal, factoring in a drink and tip. Students will practice appropriate etiquette when eating during a meal. Students will be able to state their disability and their strengths and needs. Students will be able to state their accommodations and things that will help them learn.

11 Field Trips Secretary of state office Laundromat (at least 2 different laundromats with different machines) Grocery store: Meijers, Wal-Mart, Jack’s Clothing Store: Kohls, Target, Sears, JCPenney’s Local Restaurants in Battle Creek, Union City, and Athens Summit Point, MCTI, Calhoun County Dept. of Mental Health

12 Budget Michigan State I.D. 10 students @ $10.00ea.$100.00 Family Meal10 students + 2 guests$250.00 (The family meal will include all monies for tableware and food.) Laundry Mat Field Trip and supplies$25.00 YMCA Visit10 students @ $10.00 ea.=$100.00 Restaurant Field Trip10 students @ $12.00 ea.=$120.00 Total Budget $595.00

13 Evidence of the Project Effectiveness Students will exhibit independence when completing the tasks Students will be able to complete the tasks with 90-100% accuracy Students will be able to complete the task in two or more different environments Students will be able to complete the task with parents, employers, friends, and Agency representatives

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