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Standard 1: Objective 2-3.  Infrastructure is the physical components of a destination, such as hotels, restaurants, roadways, and transportation, that.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 1: Objective 2-3.  Infrastructure is the physical components of a destination, such as hotels, restaurants, roadways, and transportation, that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 1: Objective 2-3

2  Infrastructure is the physical components of a destination, such as hotels, restaurants, roadways, and transportation, that support tourism.  The development of infrastructure is important for tourism for many reasons, including creating jobs, and generating taxes.

3 POSITIVE  Creates Business  Creates Jobs  Advertising Dollars Promoting Location  Tax Revenue NEGATIVE   Leakage – tourist dollars spent on imported goods in turn the money ends up in foreign economies.

4  $545 billion spent on travel per year  7.2 million jobs in the United States  1 out of 18 jobs is a hospitality and tourism- related position  Next to the Federal Government, largest employer in the world

5  Products are the places people visit and the resources available to them  Social customs and traditions can be affected by tourism  Failure to protect the customs can destroy the appeal of the destination

6 POSITIVE  Cultural Diversity (understand and appreciate the culture)  Arts and Crafts Ancient Monuments and Artifacts Festivals Food NEGATIVE  Greed As locals watch wealthy travelers they have a desire to have more Crime increases

7 NEGATIVE  Examples:  Water Shortages  Land Resources  Air Pollution  Waste Disposal  Noise Pollution  Visual Pollution (Aesthetic Pollution)

8 POSITIVE MONEY  Examples:  Park entrance fees pay for the protection and management of sensitive environments.  User fees, taxes on recreation equipment, and license fees provide funds for conservation programs and park ranger salaries.

9 Introduction and Growth Phases  Tourist begin to discover a new destination Venturers – first to discover an unspoiled destination  More travelers discover destination  More money in the area and better facilities  Examples: Harry Potter World, Costa Rica

10 Maturation and Decline Phases  Business is strong and steady  No new growth  Want the familiarity and seldom try anything new  May experience decline unless new attractions are added to draw in new tourists  Example – Lagoon

11 Renewal Phase  Fierce competition between destinations Disney vs. Universal Studios  Must manage growth appropriately  Must overcome image due to:  Violence  Political Instability  Natural Disasters  Overcrowding  Reinvest/reinvent to prohibit decline or closure  Example – Disney World—always adding more

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