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28 sec. 3 North and South Korea. Divided Peninsula Buffer between China & Japan 100 B.C. conquered by China 1392 - Dynasty formed which lasted until.

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1 28 sec. 3 North and South Korea


3 Divided Peninsula Buffer between China & Japan 100 B.C. conquered by China 1392 - Dynasty formed which lasted until 1910

4 Korean War Korea invaded by Japan in 1910 Japan keeps Korea for 35 years Soviets take N. Korea U.S. takes S. Korea Divided on 38th parallel 1950 - U.S. and U.S.S.R leave, N. Korea invades S. Korea with Soviet weapons

5 Korean War U.S. sends troops N. Koreans push U.S. and S. Koreans back to tip of peninsula

6 MacArthur Launches surprise landing U.S. then pushes N. Korea to Chinese border Chinese push U.S. back to 38th parallel Armistice is signed in 1953

7 MacArthur Wanted to drop nuclear bombs on Chinese Lobbied in American press Truman fired him

8 MacArthur

9 MacArthur Fired

10 Influences on the Two Koreas North Korea - influenced greatly by Chinese communism South Korea - influenced by West

11 Armed Forces in Korea N. Korea - has army of over 1 million soldiers S. Korea - has over 600,000 N. Korea - is developing nuclear weapons Divided on 38th parallel - demilitarized zone



14 Economics N. Korea - poor standard of living, millions starving S. Korea - Economic Tiger Specializes in Cars, ships, and steel Seoul - Capital and largest city of S. Korea



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