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Presentation on theme: "HDF 190: FIRST YEAR LEADERS INSPIRED TO EXCELLENCE LEADERSHIP PORTFOLIO Amanda Wright SPRING 2013"— Presentation transcript:


2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE # Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE # Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE # Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE # Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE # Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE # TABLE OF CONTENTS Strengths Opening Statement SLIDE # Section 1: Self Leadership SLIDE # Section 2: Leadership Theories SLIDE # Section 3: Inclusive Leadership SLIDE # Section 4: Critical Thinking SLIDE # Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership SLIDE #

3 Signature Strengths Developer Communication Adaptability Woo Empathy Values in Action Strengths Love Humor Honesty Kindness Bravery M

4 I have always been interested in leadership, so that is why I decided to pursue a minor in Leadership Studies. The leadership minor is so important to me because it gives me an opportunity to learn all the qualities of a positive and effective leader. Throughout my study of leadership, I've learned more about myself and how to use my strengths and values in order to be a positive leader to others. OPENING STATEMENT

5 SECTION 1 SELF LEADERSHIP (1 Highlighted outcome) 6. Student will express a personal code of leadership / membership ethics HDF 190 Ethical Leadership is “knowing your core values and having the courage to live them in all parts of your life in service of the common good”. There are 4 V’s within ethical leadership. Values, Vision, Voice, and Virtue. There are also three key elements which include service, polis, and renewal. Both exist together in the model of ethical leadership. Personal values are very important to understand when being an ethical leader. By discovering your core values, you are able to make decisions and choices on not only a personal level but also on a fair and effective level. Vision allows a group to collaborate and work with each other towards a common goal. Having a voice is extremely important to get your ideas and thought across. You can communicate well with others and get your point across. Virtue is also important. Practicing the virtuous behavior will make sure that you are doing what is right not only for you but for the group as a whole. Individuals with good virtue, care for the common good. See evidence #8.

6 SECTION 2 Leadership Theory and Models (1 Highlighted outcome) 24.Student will show knowledge of the “Servant Leadership” theory of leadership by Greenleaf FLITE (HDF 190) Robert Greenleaf developed the Servant Leadership Model in 1970. This model is based on being a servant first. A servant leader wants to serve others and puts all other needs before their own. There are ten characteristics to the Servant Leadership Model, which are listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, and building community. All of these characteristics are equally important to being a servant leader. As a servant leader you must first listen to others ideas and understand that everyone has something to offer. If the group members have a feeling of being heard, they will be more comfortable and share more of their opinions and thoughts. The next characteristic is empathy. To empathize with someone, it is important to first fully understand where they are coming from and what their background is. By doing that you will then be able to understand what that person is struggling or having trouble with. As a servant leader you must also be a healer. As a healer you know how to mend relationships and deep wounds that may not be seen on the surface right away within the members of your group. Everyone is fighting their own battles and to be able to help them cope with their troubles is an amazing quality to have. Persuasion is a really effective tool for a servant leader. Instead of coming off as a power hungry control freak, persuasion allows for you to use a more laid back approach to get others to do what is right. Conceptualization is another key characteristic for a servant leader. This allows you to let go of your leading and become a follower when necessary. You can see the potential in others and in the way they lead. Foresight is somewhat similar, but turns back to past experiences to predict likely situations and outcomes that could happen in the future. Stewardship means that a servant leader trusts their followers with something important. They believe in their abilities to lead the group to achieve the common goal. Overall, a servant leader must be fully committed to the growth of the people and build an open community where everyone feels welcome and feels comfortable to share their ideas and opinions.

7 SECTION 3 Inclusive Leadership / Diversity and its application to leadership (1 Highlighted outcome) 64.Student will show knowledge of effective leadership as it relates to change agency FLITE (HDF 190) An effective leader must possess the qualities of a change agent. A change agent is a leader who creates change and brings ideas off of paper and into reality. A change agent takes on a leadership role and fires up and motivates others to join in on making positive changes. A change agent is aware that change does not happen overnight and can be a long and tedious process. In order to achieve social change, one must be a change agent themselves. Social change is difficult and is extremely process-oriented. A change must have the ability to be confident, patient and be willing to step out of their comfort zone when needed. They must also have the ability to influence others and want to take a risk to make a difference happen.

8 SECTION 4 Critical Thinking *Self-Leadership Substitution* 12.Student will show evidence of goals and objectives that were planned and achieved HDF 190Leadership Institute Gallup VIA When I heard about the Leadership Institute I was hooked right away and wanted to be involved. With that being said I applied and hoped for the best. When I got the letter that said I was selected I was beyond excited. The beginning of this year as a freshman I gave myself the goal of finding out what my strengths are and how to use them correctly and to also look at my weakness’ and making them my strengths. When I took Gallup I was not surprised by my strengths they seemed to fit me very well. Seeing what my strengths were and what they actually mean was one of my favorite things. Also finding out my values when we took the VIA’s was also a great experience. I believe that I accomplished the goals I have set for myself but there are going to be so many more goal that I will achieve in life and these are two tools that will help me in everything I do in my future. Within everything in life is a goal that everyone is striving to achieve and when you do the feeling is indescribable and that’s something that keeps me going, all goals are possible if you set your mind to them.

9 SECTION 5 (Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts and Skills ) 93.Student will describe personal examples of group dynamics and group roles FLITE (hdf 190) In FlITE, we were assigned a group project in which we had to create an organization that reflected the values of the center for student leadership development. We needed to create an idea, as well as a grant proposal, and present our idea to the class. My group meshed really well and was always on the same page, which created a comfortable and very successful group dynamic. All the members were able to use their strengths and contribute to the group. Each member took on a different task and then we collaborated all our ideas and thoughts into one. Within group projects conflicts are sure to arise at one point or another. With this particular group we were extremely lucky. We did not have any crucial problems or challenges, just ones that were expected within a group project. We had difficulty with finding a time and day to meet that work for everyone. We all have such different schedules and different availability times. We worked it all out and compromised on a time and date that worked for everyone. We also had a more difficult time with actually getting the ball rolling. We had all these great ideas and did not necessarily know where to start and how to organize all our thoughts into one. We started out with very broad topics and ideas and then narrowed them down into what is now our idea. The project itself was very broad which left it up to us to interpret it into our own thoughts and ideas, which we liked. There was no real set structure for the project and I think that really worked well for us. It gave us all an opportunity to take this project to a whole new level. Overall, this was a great experience and we really aspire to transform our ideas into reality.


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