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Using Goal-Setting Strategies to enrich the Practicum and Internship Experiences of Beginning Counselors 指導教授: Chen, Ming-Puu 報告者 : Chang, Chen-Ming 報告日期:

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Presentation on theme: "Using Goal-Setting Strategies to enrich the Practicum and Internship Experiences of Beginning Counselors 指導教授: Chen, Ming-Puu 報告者 : Chang, Chen-Ming 報告日期:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Goal-Setting Strategies to enrich the Practicum and Internship Experiences of Beginning Counselors 指導教授: Chen, Ming-Puu 報告者 : Chang, Chen-Ming 報告日期: 2008.5.29 Curtis, R. C. (2000). Using goal-setting strategies to enrich the practicum and internship experiences of beginning counselors. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development, 38(4), 194-205.

2 Introduction Goal setting is one of few interventions in the behavioral sciences that has received almost unanimous support. Several meta-analyses have been conducted on goal setting research; results indicate that specific and challenging goals improve a variety of performances (Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981; Mento, Steel, & Karren, 1987).

3 Theory and research on goal setting According to Weinberg (1996), “a goal is that which an individual is trying to accomplish; it is the object or aim of an action”. Locke et al. (1981) stated that goal setting affects performance by directing attention, mobilizing effort, enhancing persistence, and developing new learning strategies. Goals help supervisors and supervisees develop learning strategies.

4 Goal orientation theory Goal orientation theory (Nicholls, 1984) posits that there are two goal orientations: ego and task. ego orientation of goal setting tend to define goals based on success or failure measures; task-oriented goal setters focus on self-improvement. Individuals who set only ego-oriented, also known as outcome goals, experience more anxiety during performance because the outcome are not fully under their control. Nicholls (1984) suggests that task-oriented individuals obtain ideas about their abilities based on themselves. Overall, understanding goal setting theories increases supervisors’ awareness of the mechanisms behind the effectiveness of goal setting.

5 Structure and content of counseling goals The structure of a goal refers to the necessary components needed to ensure that both the beginning counselor and the supervisor know what the goal is, the steps needed to achieve the goal, and how it will be evaluated. Three subsections be addressed : First, the goal should be identified. Second, the achievement strategy should be described. Third, ways to evaluate or measure the accomplishment of the identified goals should be detailed. Another important element of the goal-setting structure is the focus. The purpose of focusing is to help beginning counselors concentrate on positive outcomes rather than deficiencies. The final component of the structural section of goal setting is specificity.

6 Process Timing Formulating goals When supervisees are given time to think about their goals, there is a greater chance that they will take ownership of them. Long- and Short-Term goals Reviewing Evaluation

7 Implications An important implication of using goal-setting strategies with beginning counselors is modeling

8 Summary Using goal-setting strategies with beginning counselor is an effective way to direct their attention, mobilize their effort, enhance their persistence, and develop new learning strategies.

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