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Yan-Qing Ma ( 马滟青 ) Peking University The Second Sino-Americas Workshop and School on the Bound-State Problem in Continuum QCD, Central China Normal University,

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1 Yan-Qing Ma ( 马滟青 ) Peking University The Second Sino-Americas Workshop and School on the Bound-State Problem in Continuum QCD, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Nov. 16 th, 2015

2 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 2/34 Hadronization  Observed by detector:  Why hadronization? How hadronization? Study hadron production!  Produced at initial: Partons (guess) Hadrons  Hadronization in QCD

3 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 3/34 Heavy quarkonium The simplest system: two body problem “Hydrogen atom in QCD”, “an ideal laboratory in QCD”  Production: best way to study hadronization

4 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 4/34 Property  Multiple well-separated scales : Quark mass: M Momentum:Mv Energy:Mv 2  Involving both perturbative and nonperturbative physics

5 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 5/34 Factorization and hadronization models  Short-distance and long distance parts  Approximation: on-shell pair + hadronization

6 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 6/34 Historical review of quarkonium production Einhorn, Ellis (1975), Chang (1980), Berger, Jone (1981), … Fritzsch (1977), Halzen (1977), … Bodwin, Braaten, Lepage, 9407339, … Kang, Qiu, Sterman, 1109.1520 Fleming, Leibovich, Mehen, Rothstein 1207.2578 Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1401.0923, … Kang, YQM, Venugopalan, 1309.7337 Qiu, Sun, Xiao, Yuan, 1310.2230, … Bodwin, Braaten, Lee, 0504014

7 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 7/34 Outline I. Success and failure of NRQCD framework

8 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 8/34 NRQCD Factorization  Factorization formula Bodwin, Braaten, Lepage, 9407339 Hadronization (LDMEs) Long distance (~1/(m c v)) input. Parton distribution function Long distance (~1/ Λ QCD ) Production of heavy quark pair Short distance (~1/m c ) perturbative calculable.

9 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 9/34 YQM, Wang, Chao, 1002.3987

10 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 10/34 ATLAS, 1404.7035  Comparison with new data Perfect agreement!

11 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 11/34  LO NRQCD: polarization puzzle CDF, 0704.0638

12 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 12/34  Polarization@NLO NRQCD: Butenschöen, Kniehl, 1201.1872 Chao,YQM,Shao,Wang,Zhang,1201.2675 Gong,Wan,Wang,Zhang,1205.6682 Results depend on the extracted CO LDMEs

13 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 13/34 Problems with NLO NRQCD Perturbation convergent? Need how many orders? See Yu Jia’s talk for NNLO calculation

14 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 14/34 NRQCD: summary  Most puzzles can be understood qualitatively at NLO  No all order proof of NRQCD factorization Other methods are needed for these extreme regions Factorization correct at least up to NNLO Nayak, Qiu, Sterman, 0509021

15 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 15/34 Outline I. Success and failure of NRQCD framework

16 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 16/34  Leading power: collinear factorization, single parton fragmentation Collins, Soper (1982) Braaten, Yuan, 9303205 Nayak, Qiu, Sterman, 0509021  NLP: important for heavy quarkonium produciton Kang, Qiu, Sterman, 1109.1520 Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1401.0923 Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1411.2456  A rigorous collinear factorization method up to NLP

17 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 17/34 2 Collinear factorization approach  Ideas:  Factorization correct to all order Qiu, Sterman (1991) Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1401.0923

18 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 18/34 Factorization  Factorization formalism:

19 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 19/34 Evolution Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1401.0923  Evolution equations at NLP:  Independence of the factorization scale:

20 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 20/34 Predictive power  Calculation of short-distance hard parts in pQCD:  Calculation of evolution kernels in pQCD: Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1401.0923 Kang, YQM, Qiu, Sterman, 1411.2456

21 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 21/34 Input fragmentation function YQM, Zhang, Qiu, 1311.7078 YQM, Zhang, Qiu, 1401.0524 YQM, Zhang, Qiu, 1501.04556 NLO is now available for all channels Complicated: different quarkonium states require different input distributions! Apply NRQCD to the input distributions at initial scale

22 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 22/34 Reproducing plain NRQCD YQM, Qiu, Sterman, Zhang, 1407.0383  LO LP+NLP comparing with NLO NRQCD  LO analytical results reproduce NLO NRQCD calculations (numerical) !

23 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 23/34  The collinear factorization framework is ready to use, potentially better convergence  Calculating hard parts to NLO Before resummation, potentially can reproduce NNLO NRQCD  Global analysis, based on collinear factorization formalism including NLP and evolution A lot of works to be done!  Solving the double parton evolution equations

24 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 24/34 Outline I. Success and failure of NRQCD framework

25 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 25/34

26 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 26/34 Berger, Qiu, Wang, 0404158 Sun, Yuan, Yuan, 1210.3432  Sudakov double logarithm Feng, Lansberg, Wang, 1504.00317  Small-x effect can be important

27 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 27/34 CGC effective field theory  Color Glass Condensate McLerran, Venugopalan, 9309289

28 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 28/34 CGC+CEM Fujii, Gelis, Venugopalan, 0603099 Fujii, Watanabe, 1304.2221 Ducloue, Lappi, Mantysaari, 1503.02789 Watanabe, Xiao, 1507.06564  But  CEM: A simply and intuitive model

29 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 29/34 CGC+NRQCD Kang, YQM, Venugopalan, 1309.7337 Qiu, Sun, Xiao, Yuan, 1310.2230  NRQCD factorization:  Via many channels, both CS and CO

30 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 30/34 Dilute-dense formula at LO  Short distance for CO channels in CGC  Short distance for CS channels in CGC Kang, YQM, Venugopalan, 1309.7337  Scope of application:  High energy p+A or p+p collision  Quarkonium produced in forward rapidity region

31 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 31/34

32 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 32/34 YQM, Venugopalan, 1408.4075  RHIC data at central rapidity: agreement is not very good  As expected: CGC+NRQCD good for high energy and forward rapidity

33 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 33/34 YQM, Venugopalan, Zhang, 1503.07772

34 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 34/34  Apply for other quarkonium states is possible  NLO calculation in CGC+NRQCD framework is important and urgent!! Plenty of data at LHC  NRQCD+CGC: the most rigorous method Sudakov resummation in CEM+CGC : How to resum in NRQCD+CGC? Watanabe, Xiao, 1507.06564 Thank you!

35 Back up

36 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 36/34 Bodwin, Chung, Kim, Lee, 1403.3612 Faccioli,Knunz,Lourenco,Seixas,Wohri,1403.3970 agreed by new studies

37 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 37/34 CGC+CEM Fujii, Gelis, Venugopalan, 0603099 Fujii, Watanabe, 1304.2221 Ducloue, Lappi, Mantysaari, 1503.02789 Watanabe, Xiao, 1507.06564  CEM:

38 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 38/34 CGC+CEM: p+p Fujii, Watanabe, 1304.2221 Bad agreement:

39 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 39/34 CGC+CEM: p+A Fujii, Watanabe, 1304.2221 Bad agreement:

40 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 40/34 ALICE, 1308.6726 Fujii, Watanabe, 1304.2221  RHIC:  LHC:  Disagree with data  Rule out the CGC method???

41 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 41/34 CGC+CEM: improved (1) Ducloue, Lappi, Mantysaari, 1503.02789  Using the collinear “hybrid” frame work  Introduce impact-parameter-dependent initial condition  Marginally describe data

42 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 42/34 CGC+CEM: improved (2) Watanabe, Xiao, 1507.06564

43 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 43/34 Comparison with other methods  Quasi-classical approximation  Our CS channel reproduce the work: Dominguez, Kharzeev, Levin, Mueller, Tuchin, 1109.1250  Only dipoles are involved in CEM calculation. No quadrupole. Kang, YQM, Venugopalan, 1309.7337

44 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 44/34 Parameters for p+p YQM, Venugopalan, 1408.4075  An approximation for quadrupole  Self-consistent: exact when any two adjacent positions coincide  Checked: a good approximation to the quadrupole  Dipole distributions: Albacete, Dumitru, Fujii, Nara,1209.2001  NRQCD CO matrix elements Chao,YQM,Shao,Wang,Zhang,1201.2675

45 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 45/34  Good agreement with data Worst agreement with RHIC data at central rapidity

46 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 46/34  Good agreement with data Worst agreement with RHIC data at central rapidity

47 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 47/34 Parameters for p+A YQM, Venugopalan, Zhang, 1503.07772 Dusling, Gelis, Lappi, Venugopalan, 0911.2720

48 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 48/34  Good agreement with data Worst agreement with RHIC data at central rapidity

49 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 49/34  Many uncertainties can be cancelled in the ratio

50 Yan-Qing Ma, Peking University CCNU, Nov. 16 th, 2015 50/34  Agreement with data

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